Chapter 23

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I woke up to a loud knock on the door.

"What was that?" I heard Tommy ask.
"What?" I asked the person at the door.
"Wake up, lovebirds!" Sapnap yelled.

I felt Oreo move under the blanket.

Don't bark. I thought. Please, for the love of god, don't bark.

She poked her head out from the blanket and looked at me. I pet her little head.

"Hold your fucking horses, snapmap," I said.
He dramatically sighed. "I guess."

Tommy and I got up and noticed that Tubbo must've already gotten up.

"We still have to go out and get stuff for Oreo," I said.
"Yeah, how are we going to do that without anyone noticing?" He asked.
"Hell, I dunno," I admitted. "We'll figure something out."
"Who do you think could keep our secret?"
"I mean, Dream's been pretty good at keeping secrets," I said.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Oh, yeah, I told Dream about us. He hasn't told anyone, but that may have been because I threatened him," I told him.
"Yeah, that's gonna be fun to explain. 'Hey, Dream, last night while you lot were looking at the giant Christmas tree, we went out and adopted a puppy and we need to get supplies for her without anyone knowing.'"
"Shut up, it's an idea. And it could work, go get Dream."

While Tommy went to get Dream, I hid Oreo under the blankets, which she didn't enjoy until I cuddled with her.

"What's up, Y/N? Tommy said you had something to tell me," Dream said as he opened the door. Tommy stood behind him with his arms crossed.
"Well, yes but actually no. Tommy and I have something to show you," I said.
"And what's that?"
I pulled the blanket back to reveal Oreo snuggled up to me. I awkwardly smiled at Dream. "Puppy."
"What?! When'd you get-"
"Shut the fuck up, no one knows about her!" Tommy said, smacking him on the back of his head.
"When did this happen?"
"Well, when you guys were at the tree, we went to Fifth Avenue to look at the window displays because pretty lights and on our way back to you guys she ran into us. She didn't have a collar or anything and she was freezing so we took her to the closest shelter and they said that she was a stray that had a reputation for running off. The woman said that I was the only one she would let touch her and she was only a month and a half old and didn't have a home so we-"
Tommy cleared his throat and shot me a look.
"I bought her and we need to get her supplies without anyone finding out about her because Wil's scary when he's mad and I don't want him to find out just yet."

Dream looked slightly in shock. "What's her name?"
"Who all knows about her?"
"Sapnap, Tubbo, and now you."
"Deal. Just another secret I have to hide, lovebirds."

I rolled my eyes. "Well that was something."
"Yeah, but at least he won't tell anyone, hopefully."

I kept her on my pillow, since that was her favorite place to curl up and sleep.
Tommy and I went into the kitchen for breakfast.

"What are we doing today?" Big Q asked.
"Can we go to the butterfly place?" Tubbo asked.
"We could, and it's at the museum so if anyone doesn't want to look at butterflies, they can do that," I said.
"Butterfly place it is," Dream said.
"Great! What time are we going?" Tubbo asked.
"Maybe around 2?"
"Okay," everyone agreed.

I checked my phone. Right now it was 10:24 so we had a few hours.

I pulled Dream aside away from everyone.

"What, Y/N?" He asked.
"When are you gonna take us to get the shit Oreo needs?"
"Oh yeah," he said, like he forgot about her or something. "How about we go right now? Everyone seems to be distracted by Mario Kart," he said, looking over at everyone in the lounge, Mario Kart displayed on the screen.

I went to my room and grabbed Oreo.

"You ready to get your stuff, baby girl? Yeah, we'll go get your stuff," I said, baby voice in use, and brought her out of the room.

I made sure no one was around before I returned to where Dream was, away from everyone, but this time Tommy was with him.

"You ready?" Dream asked.
"Yup, she is too," I said, holding her up to him.
He smiled and patted her head.
"C'mon, children, let's go."

We got all of the stuff we needed and quickly made our way back. I took all of the things to my room and put them in the closet.

I grabbed her harness and put it on her, right now it was a little big on her but she'll grow into it.

I laid down on my bed and she curled up with me. I smiled and pulled out my phone, going through it.

"What're you doing, love," Tommy said as he walked in.
"Playin' the craft and cuddling with someone that's not you."
"What?" He laughed and walked over to Oreo and I, picking up the smol pup. "Quit stealing my person," he said, laying down next to me and placing the pup in his lap.

"Kids! It's time to go!" Wilbur called.
I didn't even know it had been that long.
"Damn, it's already been 3 hours," I said.
"I don't wanna get up," Tommy complained.
"Stay here then," I said, getting up.
"No, I wanna be with you."
"Okay, ClingyInnit."
"I'm not clingy," he pouted.
"Yes, you very much are, darling."
"Fine, I'll stay here," he said, turning away from me.
"No, I didn't say I hated you being clingy. Come on."
"I guess."

"What took you guys so long?" Big Q asked.
"Someone didn't want to get up," I said, looking at Tommy.
"Whatever, lovebirds," Sapnap said. "Tubbo's already in the car, he's ready to see the butterflies."

We piled into both cars and made our way to the museum. It was huge when we walked into the building.

"Where's the butterflies?" Tubbo asked.
"C'mon, Tubbo," I said. "We're going to the butterflies," I called back to the group.
"Okay," Wilbur said.

I showed Tubbo the way to the butterflies, along with Niki, Karl and Bad, who also wanted to see the butterflies.

I smiled as everyone's face lit up when they entered the conservatory. There were so many species of butterflies and plants and flowers.

"Y/N, check this out!" Tubbo exclaimed.
I went over to where he was to see he was pointing at a blue monarch butterfly.
"It's a blue monarch. I haven't seen one of those before," I said.
"Do you know about flowers, Y/N?" He asked.
"Yeah, I know quite a bit."
"What does this flower mean?" He asked, pointing to a lily of the valley.
"Lily of the valley; they represent trustworthiness."
"And this one?"
"Honeysuckle; they represent generosity and devoted affection."

It went on like for a bit before we decided to join the others. I stopped and ordered some flowers before we left.

I got 11 yellow roses and a small bouquet. I handed the yellow roses to the people I was with.

We made our way back to everyone and I handed them the rest of the yellow roses and I handed the bouquet to Tommy.

"Deffo flerting," I heard Sapnap whisper to Karl, who nodded his head in agreement.

"What does this flower mean, Y/N?" Tubbo asked.
"Yellow roses represent friendship."
"And what does the bouquet represent?" Tommy asked.
I gave Tommy a look that said 'I can't tell you right now' because of everyone that doesn't know about us.

We all left an hour or two later and made our way back to the bnb.

"I want cuddles, bitch," I said, head-butting Tommy's back.

Oreo ran to the door to greet us as we walked in the room, and like always, she joined us when we laid down.

"What did the bouquet represent?" Tommy asked, running a hand through my hair.
"The sunflowers represent adoration, the heliotropes represent devotion, the red carnations represent love and affection, the red tulips represent undying love, and the forget-me-nots represent true love," I explained.
"You're adorable," he mumbled, kissing the top of my head.
I felt my face heat up. "Uno reverse, motherfucker."

1422 words! Woo, best friend tubbo moment :D and wholesome tommy moment :D love y'all <3

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