yes hello it is i

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hello :]

i posted this on my oneshots book but ik my readers are different on both so heres this :]

sorry i havent posted ive been busy making a huge mushroom village in minecraft :]

but im bored asf and have like 1 irl friend and i dont talk to anyone so bsf applications ? yes ?

anyway if ya want:


- 14-16 (or recently turned 17)
- lgbtq+ or ally
- meme enjoyer
- doesnt judge or jokingly bullies

preferred but not required:

- likes music like wilbur soot, cavetown, fall out boy, lemon demon, mcr, sea shanties, bears in trees, etc
- doesnt mind ranting/venting (both me or you ranting/venting, i would gladly listen)
- voice or video calls at random times (as long as its okay with both me and you)
- doesnt mind if i send you selfies (i have plenty and hate looking at myself so you can have the pleasure of seeing my hamdsome self if you want) and also memes (i have over 1200 on my phone)

some shit about me:

- i have adhd so expect randomness or nothing at all
- i am always listening to music so expect me singing (both jokingly and actually singing)(if you want to hear me sing just ask :] i really enjoy singing)
- i am big lgbtq+ (demiromantic, omniromantic, asexual, polyamorous, transmasc, nonbinary, if you dont understand any of those terms i will gladly explain :] !) and use he/they/it pronouns and male terms (brother, sir, boyfriend, etc)
- i yell a lot and sometimes i yell like toad so yee thats fun :]
- i either talk a lot or am the dryest person ever
- i dont sleep a lot so prolly expect messages/memes like 18-20 hours of the day
- im on est timezone so yee (as i am writing it is 8:10pm)
- i watch a few animes but some are not the ones most talked about (blue exorcist, black butler, but also deathnote)
- i enjoy horror movies (the conjuring movies are some of my favorites) and also disney movies
- some of my favorite shows are supernatural, criminal minds, and the umbrella academy
- i play minecraft a lot (bedrock)
- i draw and paint sometimes :]
- if you have any questions (random-get-to-know-me questions, more not-so-random question, etc) just ask :D

so yea

bsf applications if you want to apply thamnks :]

also if you want, dm me and i can add you on discord (or phone number if you dont have it and are comfortable with that)

love yall <3

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