Chapter 27

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~~~ back to your pov :3 ~~~

"I'd like to introduce you to Y/N Gold," Wil said.
"Wait, you adopted them?!" Karl asked.
"I'm working on it, but yeah, I guess that technically makes me their dad."
"Meh, you're still big brother, I'm not calling you dad," I said, shrugging my shoulders.
"Big Brother-bur," Tubbo said.
"Big Brother-bur," I nodded.

(bruh i started this part jan 17 then said 'no motivation okie bye' lol i woke up at 8 and now its almost 4 lol ive been watching disney movies all day currently watching brave :])

Everyone took their turn hugging me and welcoming me back.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm tired and would like to sleep," I said, walking to my room.

I smiled as I opened the door, seeing Oreo curled up on my pillow as always. I laid down on the bed, it's way more comfortable than the one I was on last night. I would say slept on, but I didn't sleep. I didn't feel safe enough to sleep. Oreo curled up in my arms, I missed having her around, even it has been a day or so.

(its minecraft time also i have a fox in minecraft and their name is berry :])

(okie am watching hercules now)

"Y/N? Can I come in?" Wil asked from the door.
I slightly panicked. He's gonna find Oreo.
"Uh, yes?" I said, more asking than answering.
The door slowly opened and I hid Oreo under my blanket.

"What's up?" He asked.
"Um, nothing, I was just gonna take a nap, what's up?"
"What are you hiding?"
"Hiding? What makes you think I'm hiding something? Don't question me."
I noticed Oreo moving under the blanket, trying to poke her head out.
"What's that?" He asked.
"What's what?"

Of course she had to poke her little head out.

"Y/N, what is this?"
"Don't freak out."
"When did you get a dog?"(i accidentally typed god at first lol)
"Don't freak out."
"I don't know whether to be angry or shocked. Why didn't you tell me?"
"You're scary when you're mad and I didn't want you to get mad."
"So you thought keeping a dog hidden was a great idea?"
"In my defense," I said, picking Oreo up and bringing her over to Wil, which was funny to see considering the size difference; Wil was 6'5 and Oreo was a very tiny pup. "How can you not love this face?" I held her up to him.

In Oreo's defense, she let out a small 'arf' and tried giving him a puppy dog kiss, wagging her tail.
"Can keep her?" I asked.
"Are you going to take good care of her?"
"Have been for a few days, so yeah. Also she can be trained to be a service dog, help me when you're not there with me."
"I guess you can keep her. Does she have the things she needs?"
"Pretty much, she needs her shots still, but other than that she's good."
"Now, if you don't mind, it's been days since I had a good sleep. Bye bye," I said, laying back down on the bed with my living teddy bear.

I was almost asleep when a certain child came into the room.

"What?" I asked.
"Well, I'm sorry for missing you."
"Dont sass me, c'mere," I said.
"I was planning on it."

~~~ small time skip :) ~~~

(dude it's 6:30 where the fuck did the day go ?? ive just been watching didney movies all day lol ive watched coco, brave, beauty and the beast, pocahontas, now hercules, and later even more :])

I woke up to my face being poked. Bitch Boi was poking my face.

"What the fuck?"
"I got bored."
"So you poke my face."

I smiled and rolled my eyes, getting out of bed.

"Where you going?"

I went to the kitchen, searching for something to eat. It was 2:45pm.(wELL ITS 2:45 PM continue it im counting on yall) Niki came up to me.

"Is it true?" She asked.
"Huh? Niki, I just woke up, what are you talking about?"
"Wil told me you had a puppy, is it true?" She asked, a big grin on her face.
"Yeah, yeah, she's in my room with Tommy," I told her and she ran off to find Oreo.

She brought her out and into the kitchen, holding her close. "Now I have another reason to visit you and Wil!"
"You're not gonna steal her are you?"
"Oh, no, I have enough cats at home."
"Alright, anyway I'm hungy."
"Me too," she agreed.
"Wil!" I yelled.
Niki joined in and soon enough Big Brother-bur came into the kitchen.

"We hungy," I said.
Niki nodded.
"There's food here," he said.
"Well, my cooking's shit and Niki's arms are full," I told him, gesturing to puppo.
"Then starve," he said, smiling.
I leaned over and whispered to Niki. "Mom, Dad's bullying us, we should bully him back."
She laughed. "We should."
"Nothing. You heard nothing," I said.
"Okay then," he said, walking off.

"Welp, I'm still hungy."
"Who do you think cooks well?"
"Hmm, I dunno. Probably Bad or Eret. Definitely not Big Q. Do not let Big Q cook."
"Yeah, let's not do that."
"Mama Eret!" I yelled. (lol we love mama eret <3)

Eret came into the kitchen a moment later.
"Yes, child?"
"Hungy, make food."
"What food?"
"Okie dokie." (i like him he says okie dokie lol spn reference)

I went back to my room, Niki wanted to spend time with Oreo so she took her to her room that she shared with Wil. Also that gave Wil the opportunity to get used to Oreo. (it's like the memes lol)

(its aladdin time :] imma be honest with yall *ive never watched all of aladdin ive only watched like the first few minutes* dont come at me 🙄✋ lol)

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(its aladdin time :] imma be honest with yall *ive never watched all of aladdin ive only watched like the first few minutes* dont come at me 🙄✋ lol)

"Tommyyyyyy," I said, flopping on my bed next to him.
"Me and Niki are gonna bully Wil later, wanna help?"
"Obviously," he said.
"Good, let's rally up more people to join the 'Bully Wil' party."
"What'd he do?"
"Me and Niki were hungy and he wouldn't make us food, so now Mama Eret is cooking for us."

In a few minutes, Eret called us in the kitchen. Damn, thought I was special but he made food for everyone.

After eating, we sent Wil to the store to get groceries because 1. We were running out of food, and 2. I wanted fruit snacks, and 3. We need to assemble the Bully Wil party.

"Okay, does anyone wanna join the 'Bully Wil' party?" I asked as everyone sat in the lounge getting ready to destroy each other at Uno.
"What's the 'Bully Wil' party?" Dream asked.
"Well, Wil was bullying Niki and I so now we're gonna bully him. Just some small pranking, maybe," I explained.

Almost everyone was in. Karl didn't want to, because he didn't have anything against Wil, and Bad because, well it's Bad.

We planned some things, while also yelling at each other over Uno.

Wil came back like half and hour later.

"Bitch, where's my fruit snacks?!" I yelled at him as he walked in the door.
"Shut up, I got them!" He yelled back, yeeting a box of scooby-doo fruit snacks at my face. I just barely caught them.
"Damn, tryna take me out?"
"Okay, boomer."

I ran into my room to hide my fruit snacks. Tubbo has a problem of stealing them and he's not gonna get them this time.

1268 words! Weekend time which means im gonna update more! yay! also what disney movie should i watch after aladdin? love y'all <3

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