Chapter 28

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"Hello, Y/N," Tubbo said, walking in the room.
"Hello, Tubbo. You're not getting my fruit snacks this time."
"Why not?"
"Because you steal them every time."
"Not every time."
"Most of the time."
"Yeah...just one?"

I sighed and opened the box, grabbing a pack out. "You can have a scooby-doo. One, singular scooby-doo." (he's Tubbo of course he gets the best one and if anyone says otherwise i'll take away your kneecap privileges)
"Okay," he said, taking the scooby-doo shaped fruit snack and walking off. "Thank you!" he called.
"You're welcome!" I called back.

I walked back out into the lounge to see that everyone was deeply focused on the game of Operation that was going down. I watched from the doorway as Dream fell back on the floor after the almost-nakey man's buzzer nose went off.

Bad went after him and managed to get the piece out(while Dream was popping off about how it's impossible to get that piece and Tommy making a comment about how this is a game he can't speedrun then Dream and Tommy yelling nonsense back and forth).

I made my presence known and now Tommy was yelling at me that I distracted him and he couldn't concentrate.

"You distracted me and I couldn't concentrate! I could've had that if it wasn't for you!"

After the game was over it was around 4:30.

"I'm bored, what are we doing the rest of the day?" I asked.
"I dunno, we could go ice skating," Dream suggested.
"Yeah, let's do that."

We played a few rounds of Mario Kart before deciding to leave to go ice skating.

We made our way to Central Park and got there around 5:30.

"Ready to fall on your asses?" I asked everyone.
"No, ice hurts," Tommy mumbled.
I smiled and shook my head. "Get better then."

We all made our way to the ice after putting skates on and almost immediately 4 people were falling(those being Big Q, Karl, Tommy, and Wilbur).

After an hour of graceful skating and falling, we were starting to get cold so we went to get hot chocolate. Not everyone wanted to go so Tommy, Karl, Sapnap and I went to get some for everyone.

When we got back, Wil was near the edge of the ice, laying face down. Niki was with him but came over to us when she saw us.

"What happened to Wilbur?" Sap asked.
"He just casually died, man," I said.
"I don't know," Niki said. "He was skating next to me, said 'Fuck this' and laid down."
"Y/N, no."

I walked over to Wil.

*incoherent Wilby noises*
"If you don't get up, I will flop on you."
*more incoherent Wilby noises*
"Y/N, don't..."
"Okay, okay," he said, getting up. "I'm up...I'm up."
"S'what I fucking thought. C'mon, let's go get some hot choccy."
"Oh yeah, hot choccy!"

We all gathered around and got our cups of hot choccy and just talked about whatever.

(y'all i'm watching big hero 6 and if you don't think gogo is part of the alphabet mafia you're capping, i love her/them so much also i think gogo would use she/they pronouns just sayin also baymax just leaned on hiro and that is 100% my way of showing affection i could go on about this movie and other movies and headcanons and shit for hours but this is a story about angy boi innit not big hero 6 so let's get back to the story sorry my adhd gets my brain going woooo all over the train tracks of my brain so woooo also fob has a song in big hero 6 and i love fob so woooo)

(i totally forgot about where i was going with this story rn but baymax(it keep autocorrecting to batman lol)is like the cousin of the marshmallow man from ghostbusters)




(my train of thought went *clevlan brown voice* bye bye)

(where the fuck was i going with this? no clue but oh well)

After drinking our hot choccy most of us got back on the ice(Wil gave up on it and Niki joined him, also Big Q and Karl wouldn't stop falling so they gave up).

I was off skating away from most of the group, Tubbo was skating near me, I lost my balance for a second and accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry, I lost my balance and-"

590 words(without the big off topic rant)! Don't y'all just love my cliffhangers? Hehe love y'all <3

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