Chapter 2: Have You Got A Fever?

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I can't help but feel strange after my doctor's appointment yesterday. My doctor was ... something I have never seen before.

The way he said, "I don't mind seeing you again", after I asked if I could go back, was just ... he seemed to say it with a lotta emphasis, not just the simple, "Yeah, you can come back".

It felt strange.

Also, the fact I call him by his first name. I only met him yesterday, and he's letting me speak to him like we're best friends.

I can't deny how good-looking he is though; he's something different. I've not said anything to Alex about it – I wouldn't want him thinking I got a crush on my doctor!

He was so happy when I told him I was pregnant; he was over the moon. The way he looked at me ... you could see the excitement in his eyes.

Oh, I don't know. Since finding out I was pregnant, I've been all over the place. Literally, I'm over the moon, but ... something feels wrong.

"Our dream is becoming real little by little, baby," Alex tells me. I nod and smile faintly.

"I know ... but I'm starting to feel a little sick again."

Alex takes me into his embrace, stroking my hair gently. "What did the doctor say about that? It's just morning sickness, right?"

"Yeah, but the doctor said if it comes back too bad, I gotta go see him again. I might go see him today, actually. You don't mind?" I say.

Alex shakes his head. "Of course not. Go see him now. Do you want me to book an appointment or somethin'?"

I wave my arms frantically. "No! That's alright. I can just book one at the counter today. It's not as bad as yesterday."

Alex sits back in his chair, smiling. "Alright, Princess. Let me know how it goes."

I grab my coat and head towards the door, opening it, a gust of wind blowing my hair in front of my face.

"I will. Wait, I forgot something."

I walk back Alex's way and kiss his lips gently. It'll put my mind at rest; that Michael is just my doctor. Alex is my boyfriend. We're forever.

Walking out the door, I head to the doctors. I enter the building, and walk to the counter.

"Good morning," the receptionist says with an accomadating smile.

"Hi, can I book an appointment, early as possible please?"

"Sure you can! Name?"

"Uh ... Rebecca Summers."

"Oh, you were here just yesterday, I remember you coming in to see Doctor Jackson."

"Yeah, that was me ... does Doctor Jackson have any appointments early today?"

"Hmm, let me check." She looks at her computer, clicking and typing, then her eyes avert down the screen, obviously checking appointment slots, "He has 10:30am today, and 2:10pm later. I'm assuming you'll wanna go for the earlier time?"

I check my watch. 9:58am. Just over half an hour until that appointment time. "Yeah, thanks," I reply with a faint smile, and the receptionist types my name in the computer, to send some sorta notification to Michael.

Michael. Michael. Michael.

Just his name gives me light shivers. I don't even know why. He's a doctor. He wasn't even wearing his uniform yesterday, it was like ... a grey suit and black tie. Almost normal clothing.

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