Chapter 6: Moving Too Fast?

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The next day

I'm allowed home today. I still find it a little weird, that I came here with a baby and a bad relationship, yet I'm gonna be coming out without a baby... and a better relationship.

But.. my mind's a little all over the place since Billie came in yesterday.

The way she looked at Michael, the way she talked about how much fun they've had together... I feel a little uncomfortable about it.

But Michael said it's nothing to worry about, that Billie means nothing to him, so I'm gonna have to take that.

My only concern is, where will I go?

Once I'm out of here, where will I live?

I can't ask Michael to let me live with him, we've known each other two days!

And I know what you're thinking, 'if you've only known him two days, how can you kiss him, admit your love for one another, and all that jazz, but not ask to move in with him?'

Well, that answer is simple.

All my stuff is at Alex's house, so I'll need to go back to get that. But before the whole ordeal of losing my child occured, I was planning on going to mom and dad's, or.. maybe a friend. I have a best friend, who I never mentioned earlier.

His name is Jasper, and he's actually bisexual. But it'd still feel wrong going to a male friend and asking to live with them.. so, my parents' house it is.

Michael had to go earlier today to the doctors, to tell his work that he'll be with me, a 'patient,' so I'm alone at the moment, in my little bed.

It's quiet, really.

Occasionally, a nurse will walk past and smile, but no one's coming up to me. It's probably because they know I'm going home, so I don't need attention.

I haven't spoken to my parents since.. I can't remember.

While I'm waiting, I might as well ring mom and tell her everything that's happened in the past couple days.

I'm surprised that it slipped my mind, telling her about being pregnant. I guess I was just excited and... forgot?

But I've gotta tell her I lost it, too. That'll be harder.

And I have a question circling my mind; what is Alex doing, and where is he now? Will he have been arrested, or is he safe, living in his home?

I don't know, it's all a big mystery at the moment, which I'm sure will unfold as time progresses.

I take my phone from my pocket, which Michael gave me back yesterday, after it was knocked out of my hands when Alex hurt me, and dial mom's number.

I hold the phone to my ear, and finally hear her voice.


"Hey, mom, look, I'm ringing cos I need to tell you a couple things--"

"How's you? How's Alex? Is everything alright with you guys? Oh, you haven't rung in forever!"

"Yeah, that's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about. Look, mom, me and Alex aren't together anymore."

My voice is cracking, like I'm about to cry. Why?

"Oh gosh, why? You were perfect together! He was so sweet! But who dumped who?"

"No one really dumped anyone, mom.. but let me explain everything, please," my voice is seriously losing it now.

"Baby, don't cry, please don't cry, explain everything to me now."

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