Chapter 46: All Because Of Michael

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Michael kisses my cheek, still hugging me from behind, but then drags me over to the sofa and sits us both down.

"Now," he breathes. "Present time."

"Wha--Presents? You guys already made my day!" I gasp.

"Hmm, well, we're gonna give you a few more," Kate grins. "And it won't just be for you, it'll be for your baby, too!"

I laugh, "I guessed, seeing as this seems to be a baby shower."

"Okay, first, your mom and dad are up," Michael announces.

I'm already excited.


After baby shower presents are given, along with my birthday presents - apart from Michael's - I sit on the sofa with Jasper and Charlie, and mom and dad.

"So, less than two months now, isn't it?" mom asks.

"Yes... God, I'm so excited!" I reply.

"I'm still in shock over the fact I'm gonna be a grandfather, and you a grandmother," dad says to mom.

"Oh, yes! It's gonna be so cute! I can't wait to see Mini for the first time," Jasper squeals.

"Oh, yeah, that reminds me Jasp... me and Michael wanna ask you a question later," I tell him.

"Oh! Okay!" he replies.

General chit-chat continues, and I find myself talking more about me than any of my other guests.

But then I hear a microphone interfere with speakers, and I turn around to see Michael up on a platform - that wasn't there before - holding that very microphone in his hands.

"Okay everyone," he starts into the mic. "First of all, I wanna thank you all for managing to get here and keep it a secret for today. I know you've made Becky's birthday just... perfect. Secondly, yes, we will be seeing the arrival of "Mini" very soon - in just two months. We're still not sure of the gender ourselves, but as soon as he or she is born, we'll let you know."

I hear a few "Aww" noises around me, but I listen to Michael still.

"Okay... well, you may have noticed I didn't give Becky my present yet. Truth is, I'm a little nervous. But what I will say, is that... it will never top what she's done for me, but it's very personal, between me and her, and I made the effort with it cos I did it for her, just for her, and no one else. What I'm about to do, I've never done before, so bear with me... but Becky... this is for you..."

We all sit in silence, as Michael nods at some random dude in the corner of the room.

However, moments later, I hear a soft intro to a song, and I look at Michael, who is stood holding the microphone stand, looking down at the microphone to avoid eye contact to distract him.

He suddenly starts singing.

Sun comes up, on this new morning,
Shifting shadows, a songbird sings,
And if these words could keep you happy,
I'd do anything...
And if you feel alone, I'll be your shoulder,
With the tender touch, you know so well,
Somebody once said, "It's the soul that matters",
But baby who can really tell, when two hearts belong so well?

Then, the entire room of guests join in for the chorus - which I find myself knowing as well!

And maybe the walls will tumble,
And the sun may refuse to shine,
But when I say "I love you",
Baby you gotta know, that's For All Time,
Baby you gotta know, that's For All Time...

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