Chapter 29: It Was Me...

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"We're back!" Jasper calls as he re-enters the house with Charlie, about a half hour later.

"We're still in here!" I call.

They enter the room, carrying their hygiene stuff and a pillow each.

"Guys, you coulda just borrowed pillows if you wanted," Michael points out with a giggle.

"Yeah, well, we didn't wanna be rude," Charlie laughs.

Michael nods in understanding, and Jasper and Charlie join us on the sofa.

"So," Jasper starts. "How far along are you, Bex?"

"Oh, only two months. The remaining seven months are gonna draaaag," I pout.

"Right? She only told me a month ago, and it feels like a lifetime ago! So imagine what seven more of those lifetimes are gonna be like!" Michael protests.

"Aww!" Charlie coos to Michael. "So, do you want it to be a boy, or a girl?"

"Ah, not fussy. Either gender will be a blessing," Michael replies.

Jasper nods. "It sure will be. I'm so happy for you guys."

"Thank you," I smile.

"So, what should we do first?" Charlie asks.

"We can play a few games, if you want," Michael suggests.

Charlie and Jasper grin at the idea. "Yeah, let's do that!"


"Ok.. I choose truth!" Charlie says, and I sit back, thinking of something mischievious.

"Ok.. who was your first celebrity crush?" I challenge.

"Ooh.." Charlie takes a moment to think. "Hmm.. boy or girl?"

"One of each," I chuckle.

"Well.. I must admit that I used to have a real crush on Diana Ross when I was about 12.. but then when I came out as bisexual, about.. 4 years ago, I found Will Smith to be quite something."

Jasper giggles. "Ooh! Someone failed to mention that!"

"Yeah.. we never really brought that conversation up," Charlie says defensively.

"Ok, next person.." Jasper spins the bottle, and it lands on Michael.

"Oh crap," Michael laughs.

"Truth or dare, babe?" I ask.

I don't often call Michael anything other than "Michael", but I felt like a change.

"Uh.. truth, I guess," he replies nervously.

"If you were still in love with Lisa, would you have tried for children?"

Where did that come from? I didn't even wanna ask that!

Michael looks a little angry now. "No, I would not have."

"I-I wasn't gonna ask that," I say.

"Yeah," he replies shortly.

He looks hurt that I'd bring Lisa into a conversation like that.

I feel a little ashamed of myself, too.

He gets up and leaves the table, and I get up and begin to follow him. "I'll be right back, fellas. Just gonna get us a drink."

I follow Michael into the kitchen, where he sits, burying his head into his hands.

"Michael.. I didn't mean to bring Lisa up like that.."

"But you did."

"I didn't even plan it!"

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