Chapter 77: Pleasure To Pain

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Warning: sexual detail later on in the chapter ... gosh, it's been a while since I've said that. :o

June 2, 1994

"Becky, can I sit next to Miracle in the car to Jasper and Charlie's?" a very excitable Ollie asks me.

Today, Michael and I are having some quality time together without the kids. For the past couple weeks, we've spent every second as a family, so now us grown ups want a little bit of time without the noisiness of the children. Apart from night times and the times before we get up for the day, we never really get any time alone. It'll be nice to have that today.

A small laugh comes from my lips, as I lift Ollie carefully into my arms. He's very light for his age, and still rather innocent-minded, so he still receives joy from being lifted up, even at eleven years old.

"You wanna sit next to Miracle?" I repeat his question softly, "Well, I'm sure Michael will let you do that. You like Miracle don't you?"

His little eyes light up, "Yeah! She's the best little sister ever." He wraps his arms around my neck to keep him upright, "I can't wait to have my own Miracle when I'm older."

My lips press against his forehead in a motherly kiss, "Well, when you're older, maybe you'll find the right girl to be your little Miracle's mommy, and then you'll be able to have your own, sweetie." A smile forms on my face as I set him down, then he runs over to the window to look out for Jasper's car.

Michael enters moments later, with Jason at his side, and Miracle in his arms. He exchanges glances with me, before averting his eyes towards the window that Ollie is stood at. "Ah, Jasper's here," Michael says, guiding the children out of the living room, outside.

Jasper gets out the car as Michael reaches him, then he spots me and waves. It's been a couple weeks since I properly saw my best friend, so it's nice to see his face again. He also blows a kiss from outside, which I blow back, accompanied by a smile. Then, his attention turns back to Michael, as they converse briefly. After their quick chat, Jasper helps get the kids in the car, before getting in himself and driving away.

Once his car is out of sight, Michael turns around to see me through the window, then grins and waves at me. Finding it amusing, I roll my eyes and shake my head, waving back playfully. He then raises his eyebrows three times in quick succession, a seductive expression on his face, causing me to laugh.

He enters the house once again, meeting me in the living room. "So ... now that we're alone, we can do anything we want," he reminds me.

"Where do we start?" I ask, taking a step closer to him, so that we're only inches away from one another, "Cos personally, I got a lot of ideas." My tone quickly becomes somewhat flirtatious; it's been forever since we've been able to do any of what we may be doing today.

He looks down on me, wrapping his arms around my waist soon after, a sexy smirk playing on his lips, "Well, I don't know, but it better start happening fast, whatever it is." His expression becomes somewhat desperate; as if he has a sense of urgency within him to love me just like he used to before everything went wrong with my health.

"Then just let it happen, you complete idiot," I name-call teasingly, prodding his chest with my index finger. But then, memories of when we first got together fill my mind; the times when all I had to do was draw circles on his chest with my finger to turn him on. I'd like to relive those times, to see if they still exist.

Since my index finger is still pressed against his chest, I might as well make use of that. Slowly, it starts to create little circles over the clothing that covers his skin, instantly shallowing his breathing. He exhales through his mouth, partially chuckling with it, before taking a hold of my wrist and pulling my hand away from him.

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