Chapter 54: Just An Old Friend

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Wanna wish mjlover22 happy birthday! Finally a teen. ;)

Michael's POV

I check my watch whilst driving home from Virginia's house, and note the time is actually... 6:45pm. I've been out for five hours, rather than the original hour and a half I planned.

"Crap!" I cuss to myself under my breath as I drive. "Becky is gonna kill me!"

I can't stop thinking about the fact that me and Virginia accidentally kissed. Neither of us planned it, so we were both surprised. I just can't stop feeling guilty over it, even thought it wasn't my fault.

I arrive at home about ten minutes later, and get out the car, before heading into the house.

"Honey, I'm home!" I call.

Becky heads into the hallway where I am, an angry look on her face.

"Where've you been? It's been over five hours, Michael!"

"I... went grocery shopping," I tell her.

"For five hours?! Michael, finding Miracle's baby milk doesn't take five hours! And where even is the shopping?"

"In the car," I answer timidly.

"Well... go get it," she demands quietly.

I nod, and leave her in the hallway. I get the bags from the car, and bring them back inside.

"They're here," I announce.

She peers into the bag, and pulls out a tub of ice cream. "It's melted!" then she pulls out the apples I got. "And they're crushed!"

"Oh... yeah..." I mutter. "Sorry."

"Michael, I wanna know where you've been!" she demands. "Surely I deserve to know what took five hours."

"I-I... look, I met an old... friend of mine at the grocery store, and she asked-"


"Let me finish sweetheart. She asked me to stop by at hers for a drink, so I said yes..."

"Why didn't you let me know? I rang you eighteen times!"

"Eighteen? Uh... my phone died. I was gonna call you, but... God's honest truth, my phone died. Check if you don't believe me," I say.

I take my phone from my pocket, and hand it to her. She fiddles with it, and realises I'm telling the truth.

"So... who was this friend of yours, then?" she asks.

"Just someone I was in looo-uhh-friends with in high school..." I hesitate. "That's all."

"Right," she gives me a suspicious glance. "And what did you talk about? How to forget about your girls at home, who are in desperate need of milk and ice cream?"

I laugh a little at her question, "No... just a catch up really. We talked about how we've grown and gotten married and had kids now. You know, all that."

"She's married now?" Becky asks.

"Well, yeah. But apparently she isn't happy in her relationship. Says her husband hit her in an argument once."

"Damn... that sounds nasty," she sucks air between her teeth. "What did you say about you?"

She turns towards the living room, and I follow her, deeming the groceries I purchased today as fully useless. I see her on the sofa, Miracle in her little cot.

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