Chapter 7: Life Decisions...

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"Just past those traffic lights, turn right and we're there,"I say.

Michael's driving us to my parents' house. He's so nervous about meeting my parents, and I kinda am too.

What if they think we're taking this too quick? It's happened before.

One time, I brought this guy, his name was Gary, over to meet mom and dad, and I'd known Gary for just 3 days, and mom didn't like him for whatever reason, and she demanded we had at least 5 dates before we decided to give us a go.

Needless to say, Gary decided we weren't meant to be.

Luckily, with Alex, it was a different story. I'd known him a couple months before I let him meet my parents.

They immediately loved him.

I think there's a pattern; if you've known him little more than a couple days, he isn't Mr. Right, and any time after 2 months, he's Mr. Perfect.

Well, mom and dad, turns out you were wrong about Alex. Let's see what you say about Michael.

"How you feeling, Michael?" I ask.

Michael doesn't take his eyes off the road, but takes into account what I just said.

"Nervous, obviously," he says shortly.

God, he's mad with me for this?

"Are you mad at me, Michael?" I ask.

"No, I'm just nervous."

"You'll be fine, Michael. They'll see how good a heart you have, and how much you care for me, and they'll love you straight away. Oh, it's that house there," I point to mom and dad's house, and Michael pulls in.

We get out the car, avoiding any kinda holding hands, as we don't wanna look too.. over the top.

We get to the door and I ring the doorbell.

I'm kinda nervous now, I'll admit that outright.

Mom answers the door.

"Sweetie, hi!" she pulls me in for a hug and kisses my cheek.

"Hi mom.. uh, this is Michael, Michael this is my mother," I introduce the pair, and they shake hands.

"Nice to meet you, Michael," mom says, a little cautiously. Michael looks really nervous.

"You too," he says finally.

"So, how long have you known Becky for?" mom asks. Damn, why?

"Uh, a few days," Michael looks up awkwardly.

"Right. Fairly soon, isn't it. Well, as long as you're happy."

We all walk inside the house, and dad is sitting, watching football on TV. He turns his head and sees me.

"Oh, hi sweetheart. How are you?" he asks.

"I'm good, thanks dad, you?" I reply.

"Yeah, good, good thanks. Is this the Michael I've been hearing so much about?"

"Yeah, dad. This is Michael, Michael, my dad."

The pair shake hands, and we all sit down in the living room. No one is making a conversation, so I will.. but what to say?

"Uh, so.. what's new with you, mom?"

"Nothing, really, sweetheart."

"Oh, ok.."

That escalated quickly.

"So, Michael, what do you do for a living?" dad asks.

"I'm a doctor, sir, I work at the doctors just near where Becky used to live with.." he stops himself from saying Alex's name, and I'm glad for that.

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