Chapter 64: Birthday Wishes

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August 29, 1993

Becky's POV

Well ... it's Michael's birthday today, and he's thirty-five years old. It's been almost a month since Virginia's funeral, so now the boys are starting to get back into a normal life, ever-so-slightly.

However ... I recently found out something huge, and ... I think I need to tell Michael today.

You see, a couple days back, when he was at work, Jason and Ollie were upstairs, leaving only me and Miracle downstairs. So ... I decided to pass the time.

... And about ten minutes later, I had a positive pregnancy tests in my hands.

That's right ... I'm pregnant again!

So today ... I'm going to tell Michael. I just hope that after all that's happened, he's gonna be happy with another child.

I'm sure he's gonna be pleased with it; he said he loves children, and he would have a thousand if he could.

My only question is, how will I tell him? Last time, I used an anniversary present to tell him. Wouldn't a birthday present work too?

... Hmm, maybe.

It's Michael's birthday today, so it would be really cute to make it a birthday present.

Oh, no! I have a way better idea!

I can make a birthday cake, and put the test in there before we all sing Happy Birthday! Oh ... that's good.

Then, when he cuts the cake, the knife will run into the test, and he'll have no choice but to realise it's there!

... I'm a genius! Hehe.

Right now, I'm in the kitchen, after having thought of the cake idea. Michael is out to see his work friends so they can wish him happy birthday, and the kids are here at home with me.

"Jason! Ollie!" I call. "Come here guys!"

Moments later, Ollie comes running in, and Jason follows after. I'm glad they're starting to cheer up, just a little now, after Virginia's death. They still have their low moments, but right now they seem to be okay.

"What is it Becky?" Jason asks.

"How would you and Ollie like to help me make a birthday cake for Michael?" I ask.

Ollie leaps at the idea, "Yeah! I wanna put the icing on!"

I chuckle lightly at his enthusiasm, "Great! Jason?"

Jason nods more sensibly, and smiles at me, "Sure. It sounds fun."

"Wonderful," I beam at them both, "Now, let's get started now, okay?"


"Ollie, Ollie ... okay! There's enough icing on it now!"

I try to prise the icing spatula from Ollie's hands, as he's going overboard with the cake now.

"Ollie ... Michael doesn't like too much icing. Too much makes him feel sick," I add to my previous words.

It's actually true. On Jasper's last birthday, we had a birthday cake with so much icing, Michael felt sick after he ate it. He almost was sick twice, bless him.

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