Chapter 75: It's Been Forever

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April 22, 1994

Becky's POV

After hearing that I only have a year and a half, tops, the use of Chemotherapy treatment has been used even more than it did before, to try and prolong my life to the furthest possible expectancy. I really do hope I last longer than a year and a half ... this is killing me inside.

Recently, Michael asked what my perfect day would be like. He asked so that he can give me that perfect day before I die ... but honestly, just the little things make me happy now. Despite this, I told him that I wanted a day with him, the kids, our parents, and Jasper and Charlie. After hearing about Lisa, I've allowed her to come along, too. I want to be surrounded by everyone I care for, for my perfect day.

And what is it we're doing? I hear you ask. Well, we're keeping it simple; each person is having a little time with me, and then at the end of the day, we're all gonna come together and have a little party at mine and Michael's house. It's going to be a wonderful day, but very tiring. Luckily, my dressing and scar aren't too bad right now, so I can enjoy my time.

First up today, is my parents. They've brought me to the local tea room, so we can relax and catch up. I think this'll be nice for us, as we've not really caught up in so long.

"So, who are you spending time with after us?" father asks, taking a sip from his tea.

"Jasper and Charlie. They're taking me to Facaccia's in town; it'll be great doing normal stuff again." My fingers drum lightly on the table, as I lift my mug up to drink from it. It's been forever since I've tasted the tea from this place – the last time I came here was during my childhood.

"Well, that's lovely Becky. You know, we're so proud of you, and we both want you to know that, sweetheart. You've become such a strong, independent woman," mom praises me, rubbing my arm lightly with her hand. A genuine smile is on her face, which causes me to smile too.

"Thanks, mom. And you, dad. You're the best parents a girl could have – no exaggeration." A hopeless chuckle comes from my lips, as I swallow the last sip of tea from my mug, "Uh, how about some cake? I-I'll pay," I offer.

Mom shakes her head, "We'll have the cake, but I'm paying for it. It's your day, honey, so you won't be paying for anything yourself, as far as I'm concerned." She rises from her seat, "Chocolate cake, sweetie?"

I laugh a little at her kindness, "Yes, please, mom. Thank you." Whilst I'm waiting for her to place the order, I speak to father, "You guys are being so brave in front of me," I tell him.

He gives a small, sympathetic smile, "We have to be, for you, sweetheart. You need a lot of love and support right now, so we need to focus on you rather than ourselves."

"I love you, daddy," I find myself saying.

He leans forward to kiss my forehead; the way he did when I was a child, "I love you too, baby. Remember you'll always be my little girl."

Mom comes back to the table with my cake, setting it down on the table and sliding it towards me, "Here you go, Becky. I don't wanna see a single crumb left," she teases, winking at me.

I snicker, lifting the cake up to my lips. "Of course, mommy," I play along, before taking a bite out of it.


"Darling, you should totally get that one! It suits you so good!" Jasper gushes, a huge grin on his face.

It's nice seeing his normal, bubbly self for once. Ever since I've had cancer, he's been more sensible, and I've hated it. I'm glad he's happier now.

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