Chapter 80: You Give Me Fever - Epilogue

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This is it, guys. The final chapter of You Give Me Fever. Honestly, I never thought this time would come; I've grown so attached to this story and I'll hate to see it end. But to set the tone a little, we have Michael's song for Becky in the media area ... For All Time. ❤️

Michael's POV

"I now pronounce you, man and wife," the vicar says to Becky and I.

After demanding that we be married, a special priest was brought in to marry us in the hospital. We just about managed to get through the vows, and we're surrounded by the closest members of our family and friends – my parents are here now, too.

A smile forms on my face as I look longingly at the vicar. I need him to say his next words ...

Taking the hint, he gives in, "Mr Jackson, you may now kiss the bride."

My hand touches gently upon Becky's, and our gazes meet. It gives me great pleasure knowing this girl is now my wife – I've been waiting three years for this day.

"Mrs Jackson," I breathe, almost being unable to believe that we're finally married.

Then, I bend down, kissing her lips – our first kiss as Mr and Mrs Jackson. I knew we would be married before it was too late – I even told her that myself – I just didn't realise it would be under these circumstances.

Pulling away, a mellow smile tugs at my lips, "No more Miss Summers for you, Mrs Jackson. You're my wife now; I've been waiting for this since the day I first set eyes on you."

I know she can't answer; speaking the vows probably tired her out enough as it is, but at least I know she's acknowledging my words – she's watching me intently, so she must be listening to what I'm saying.

"I'll go and get Miracle," I then tell her. I peck her lips and head out the doors, to the little room next door, where Lisa is waiting with Miracle. "I'm taking her to see Becky," I say to Lisa.

"Take her; it's okay," she replies.

Despite what she's done bad, she's been a real support these past months. I'm glad our feud is over, and that we can finally be mature around one another.

I take Miracle from her arms, before kissing her forehead lightly, "Hello, my little blossom. I'm gonna take you to see mommy now." I carry her back into Becky's room, and when Becky catches sight of Miracle, her eyes light up, despite being too weak to speak. "You wanna see mommy, now, huh?" I ask Miracle rhetorically, "C'mon, let's go see mommy."

I sit on the chair by Becky's bed, then sit Miracle in my lap. She immediately fixes her gaze on Becky, which is when I see tears forming in Becky's eyes. Even though she can't speak all that well, I can tell she's hurting. I'm hurting, too, at the notion that she soon won't be here to see Miracle and I as we grow older.

"Look," I say to Miracle, forcing my voice not to break from crying, "Mommy can see you; she loves you, y'know." I close my eyes and a tear falls from each eye, and they roll down my cheeks, "And you love mommy back," I assert softly.

Becky turns her head ever-so-slightly, giving the faintest smile you ever saw.

"And I love you both ... " My voice breaks because I'm crying, "So very, very much. Never, ever forget that ... "


21 hours later – June 14, 1994

It's been almost a full day since Becky and I were married, and she's still here. She's fighting to stay alive a lot, now – almost too much. She's now fighting so much, it's making her deteriorate even quicker than if she didn't fight. Oh, how illogical that is.

You Give Me Fever || Michael JacksonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon