Chapter 12: Finally

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One month later

So, it's been at least a month since me and Michael started with the dates, and we've been on nine so far. Just one to go.

On the second date, he took me out for a normal, typical romantic dinner. I must say, it was lovely. We sat in the corner of the restaurant, candles brightening up the dimly-lit area, simple chit-chat. It was wonderful.

The third date was to a petting zoo. Why? Because we both love animals, and we both discovered that on the second date. There were guinea pigs, rabbits, mice.. it was so sweet. And watching Michael's face as he saw each and every one of them was just adorable.

The fourth date was.. scary. We went rock climbing, to bond a little and use a little team-work. We had to climb up this wall thing, all the way to the top. Michael went first, and he managed to do it, but when it came to my go, everything was going great, until I lost my footing and fell. Luckily, I had the safety gear on, so I didn't fall to the ground, but it sure as hell scared me. But Michael comforted me afterwards, and congratulated me for trying my best.

The fifth date was another romantic dinner, but this one had a live band playing soothing, gentle songs as we dined, which was rather charming.

The sixth date was a pottery class, which Michael had arranged for us, courtesy of a friend of a friend of his. We spent two hours making one pot, me sitting on the stool, with Michael hugging me from behind, guiding my hands to form the most beautiful piece, which now sits in the bedroom I'm staying in at mum and dad's house.

The seventh date was a romantic walk in the park, seeing the ducks in the ponds, feeding them bread, sitting on the grass hand in hand, and watching the world go by. That was a lovely day, I must say. Wonderful.

The eighth date was wine-tasting. I'm not normally one to drink wine, but Michael made me. It sounds like a very peculiar date, right? Well, surprisingly, it wasn't. It was rather sweet. Michael had one too many sips of wine, and got a little tipsy. I told him that he was supposed to spit the wine out after he's tasted it, but he drank it down anyway. Did I mention how cute he is when he's had a little too much to drink? He speaks such nonsense, and it makes me laugh.

The last date we went on, the nineth date, was back at the boating place, with Michael's friend Joe. We basically mirrored the precise events of the first date all over again, the falling-into-water business and all. The second time was more funny, because we'd done it before and knew what was coming.

But now.. now is our final date.

"Make sure to bring your bathing suit and some protection from the sun, sunblock and a hat. Something like that," Michael's request rings in my ears as I fumble around in my suitcase of clothes, and find the all-in-one swimming costume I always wear.

I've never been comfortable with my body, I was overweight in school, and I guess I just feel I haven't gotten rid of that, yet.

I rummage around looking for sunblock, and I run to the bathroom to see if I can find any. I look through all the cabinets and drawers, and finally find one.

I throw it into my bag, and walk back to my room. I don't have any hats, so I'm screwed in that sense.

Where is Michael taking me? Swimming? I can't swim. I hope he realises that. But then again, sunblock? It's outside.

I close my bag, and hear a faint knock at the bedroom door.

"Yeah?" I call, and the door opens.

"Oh, hey mom," I smile, tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear.

"So, this is your final date with Michael, eh?" she asks. I nod slowly.

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