Chapter 21: House-Warming Medication

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Hey guys.. part of me thinks I'm losing readers on this story.. am I doing something wrong, or something that annoys you? I'm sorry if I am. Also, this chapter will be a little more suggestive than normal so.. yeah, tell me what you think :)

6 months later - February 1992

"I'm gonna miss being here, so much!" I say, hugging my mother tightly, not wanting to let her go.

"It's been wonderful having you here sweetheart, but you're going to love your new home," she tells me.

"Oh, I know," I smile. "I can't wait to live with Michael."

"And I know you'll forget all about me and your father, and you'll find it wonderful.. just like when you first moved in with Alex.. but we won't speak any more of him, he's dead to me," mother chuckles.

"I'll miss being here," I say. "It feels like I've been here forever."

"Sweetheart, I'll go pack your stuff into the car," Michael comes to the doorway, carrying my suitcases, and walks by us, and outside.

Oh yes, he and Lisa are divorced now.


And in case you were wondering what happened to Lisa and Alex, they woke up after being knocked out by mother, and they were questioned.

They, surprisingly, admitted defeat and told the police they were guilty for everything.

Why, I'll never know.

But now Lisa and Alex are out of me and Michael's life, for good.

"I'll see you soon, mom," I smile, a tear in one eye.

Why am I getting so emotional? I've done this before!

"Call me when you're settled in, alright?" she says.

"Of course," I reply. Then, dad comes to the doorway.

"Have fun at Michael's house," he says.

"Of course I will, dad. I'll miss you, too," I chuckle, hugging him tight.

"I'll miss you more, baby," dad says.

"Anyway, I better go. Bye guys, love ya," I call, gradually walking down the front garden path, to the car.

"Are you ready to start the rest of our lives?" Michael asks, pecking my lips once, and closing the boot.

"I sure am," I reply, and we both get in the car. "It's certainly gonna be an adventure."

"One hell of an adventure," Michael adds. "And it'll be even better now Alex and Lisa are gone."

He starts the ignition, and the radio switches on.

House Of Pain's Jump Around starts playing. It only came out this year, and I love the song already.

"Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin, I came to win, battle me that's a sin," I sing the words as they come on.

I can't help but bob my head side to side to the beat.

"Jump around, jump up, jump up and get down, jump, jump, jump!"

"You're rocking the car, silly!" Michael complains playfully, and I realise I'm actually almost physically bouncing in the car.

"Sorry," I mutter, with a light laugh.

"No matter. You're not that bad a singer," he replies.

Moments later, I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston comes on.

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