Chapter 27: Real-Life Miracle

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14 June, 1992

It's been two days since I found out I'm pregnant, and I've not told Michael yet.

I've been trying to hide it for two days, and it's been harder than I thought.

Every single time he says or does something associated with a "possible little person", I have to make an excuse to change the subject.

Today is a year since me and Michael shared our first kiss, so technically it's our first anniversary.

However, it's also the day I miscarried Alex's baby.

So, you know what? I'm gonna tell Michael about the baby.

It'll be a way of making a sad day, happy again.

And I'm gonna do it in the most cute and special way possible.

Michael's taking the day off of work to spend time with me, which is adorable.

Already, Michael has woken me up with breakfast in bed, and made me feel very comfortable.

He knows how to treat me well, for sure.

"Yoo-hoo, Miss Summers? I forgot to tell you I love you."

Michael waves his hand in front of my face to catch my attention, and I giggle and look at him.

"What do you want, Dr Jackson?" I ask with a smile.

"I wanna tell you that I love you, cos I've not done that today."

"I think you'll find you've said it eight times since we woke up - a half hour ago," I chuckle.

"You counted?" he asks, a little embarrassed.

"Kinda hard not to after the fourth time of saying it," I laugh.

"So.. how about, since it's technically our anniversary, that you take another test, just to try?" Michael suggests.

"Nah, Michael. It's pointless. We know the result anyway," I say.

I'm technically not lying, it is pointless, cos I do know the result.

"Ugh, you've been putting off taking the test for three days now! I just wanna make sure!" he whines.

"Pointless, Michael," I reply abruptly.

"Pwease?" he begs childishly, pouting dramatically.

"Michael," I exhale with a light giggle, pinching each of his cheeks with my fingers. "I'll do a test when I feel like it."

"Do you feel like it now?"



"No, Michael."

"How 'bout now?"

"Michael!" I laugh, slapping his arm. "Just drop the subject and concentrate on the fact that it's our anniversary!"

He pouts again and rubs the arm I just slapped. "I don't have a doctor to kiss that better."

"Kiss it yourself, you got healing powers, aintcha?" I mock.

He brings his arm up to his lips and kisses his own arm, causing me to laugh uncontrollably.

"Hmm, my kisses are better than Becky's kisses," he tells himself, just loud enough for me to hear.

"Oh, I guess you won't want any kisses from me for the rest of the day, then," I retort playfully.

He widens his eyes and pulls me into his arms, squeezing me tight. "No! You have the best kisses really!"

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