Chapter 38: Trick Or Treat

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I wanted to incorporate Thriller into this, so much, but because Michael isn't famous in this, I couldn't cos the song technically doesn't exist in the story x(

October 30th, 1992

Becky's POV

"Oh gosh!" I grin. "I can't wait for the vacation now I know you guys are coming, Jasp!"

He chuckles. "Yeah, Charlie and I looked for tickets for the flight a couple days ago, and there were some left, so we decided to go to the same place, at the same time as you!"

I smile at Michael, who is standing by me, his arm protectively around me. "It's gonna be fun, isn't it, Michael?"

He nods. "It sure is, sweetheart. Hey, are you staying in the same hotel as me and Becky?"

"Oh, yes! Hotel Cesare Augustus! I've heard it's rather charming there, and I've seen pictures. Very nice," Charlie says.

"I'm still worried about Becky, though," Michael frowns. "The time we go is so close to Mini's due date, less than two months..."

I nuzzle my nose against his cheek. "Don't worry, it's two months!"

"Exactly," he sighs. "I know what can happen if things don't go to plan."

"We'll be fine," I reassure him. "So, Jasp, Charlie, will you guys be on the same flight as us?"

"Yep. We're the same for everything, apart from the hotel room we stay in. We're in a seperate one from you guys, obviously!" Charlie chuckles.

I nod in understanding. "Right... oh, the fact you guys are coming will make this even better!"

Jasper laughs. "Yes, it'll certainly be fun to go on holiday all together!"

"We'll make a lot of memories," Michael says.

"Yeah... and it'll all be more fun cos I have you," Charlie says to Jasper.

Jasper taps Charlie's nose. "And you, babe."

They peck once, and I squeal from the cuteness. "Guys! You are the epitome of relationship goals!"

Jasper laughs. "So are you and Michael, girl. Anyway, looking forward to tomorrow?"

"Yes!" Michael grins. "Halloween!"

We all know how much Michael loves Halloween, especially after last year.

Last year, he forced me to go Trick Or Treating with him, as if we were little kids.

He dressed as a vampire, which I admit was sexy, but the looks on the faces of the people who answered the door to him were priceless.

I simply wore black, and put a pair of cat ears on my head. I wasn't gonna make effort with it at all, but Michael forced me to do at least something.

"So... you're making us have a Halloween party, Michael?" I ask nervously.

He nods. "Yes! Of course! And you, Jasper, Charlie, my family and yours can all come!"

I giggle at his over-excitement. "Michael, you're getting a little hyper now. It's Halloween, it's not that major."

He gives me an "are you serious?" look. "How can you say that with a straight face, sweetheart? Halloween is one of the best days of the year!"

"For you," I retort playfully. "You know I find it all a little too spooky!"

"Well, it's a damn good job you have me to protect you, now, isn't it?" Michael asks playfully.

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