Chapter 9: You Still Love Him?

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Michael's been gone for a little over 20 minutes now. It's just me and mom in the house, dad's gone out, and I've been getting ready for me and Michael's first date, and I'm real excited.

I know mom doesn't approve of us giving it a go so soon, but it isn't like we're together right now, we're just dating, so she should be happy and ok with that.

Right now, I'm putting make-up on. That's a rare event for me, as I'm not normally one to try and make an effort with looks.

But, just this once, I'm gonna try it.

I hear a knock at the bedroom door. Probably Michael.

"One second!" I shout, doing the last finishing touches of my make-up.

I spray a little perfume, just for fun.

"Alright, c'mon in," I call, and I hear the door open.

I look at my reflection in the mirror, and see, not Michael... mom.

"Mom," I say matter-of-factly.

Mom raises her eyebrows in acknowledgement to my greeting.

"What do you want, mom?" I ask.

I'm not being rude, it just isn't the most polite way of asking.

"I came to talk to you," she says.

"If it's just gonna be about the fact that me and Michael are going too quick, I don't wanna hear--"

"No.. it isn't. It's about Alex. And the baby you miscarried."

"Mom, I don't wanna talk about them.."

"I know you don't, Becky.. but.. did Michael say anything about Alex being in the house when he went to get your stuff?"

"No, he didn't say anything.. I'll ask him when we go out."

"I don't want Alex going anywhere near you, and if he does, I'll make sure he's needing a doctor himself. Becky, never go back to his house, not ever, ok?"

"I wasn't planning to, mom.. look, Michael's gonna be here any second, then we're going out together.."

"Oh, I know you are. Ask him, though, about Alex. And remember, don't be back any later than ten-thirty. And, you've got nine other dates before you even start to consider a relationship."

"I know, I know. Mom, please try to like Michael, he's been amazing for me these past few days. I know we haven't known each other all that long, but once we've known each other a couple months, please try to get to know him better.. all you've done so far is ask questions that'll guarantee bad answers from him. Try asking him about his favourite.. sport, or.. what he does in his spare time. Make conversation that won't induce any kinda argument.."


Mom's tone is suggesting I'm asking too much of her.

"Mom, please. It wouldn't kill you to be nice. Especially, if we end up staying together. Then, what are you gonna do? Spend your life in the Land of Awkward cos you don't wanna talk to him?"

"No, I--"

"When we get back tonight, ask how our date was, and be nice. That's all I'm asking. It can be acting for all I care, just, please, for me, try to make an effort.."

I'm begging now, literally begging.

Mom sighs, and I'm hoping it's because she's giving in.

"Mom? Please?" I give her the puppy dog eyes.

"Alright. But don't expect it every single time you go on a date. It's too soon for me."

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