Chapter 24: It's Time To Be Happy

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Becky's POV

The next morning

"Morning sweetheart," Michael greets me.


I open my eyes, feeling the grogginess in them as I blink.

"Morning Michael," I reply softly, my voice weak from fatigue.

"Should we go see what the latest report on Billie is?" he asks childishly.

I chuckle and nod, and Michael takes my hand and drags me down the stairs.

I'm still tired, so this requires a lot of effort.

Especially at 7:30am.

We arrive at the front door, and Michael opens it ajar, and peeps out of the crack.

"Oh, that's hilarious!" he giggles, before opening the door wider for me to see.

I stifle a giggle as I see Billie inside Michael's car, her head leaning against the steering wheel.

She's asleep, and her hair is all over the place.

"I have an idea," Michael whispers, and takes my hand and makes me follow him to his car.

He opens the car door quietly, as not to wake Billie, and lifts her head away from the steering wheel gently.

"Billie, Billie," he whispers, to wake her up.

What's he gonna do?

Billie opens her eyes slowly, but before she's fully awake, Michael slams his hand against the steering wheel, making the horn of the car beep loudly.

Needless to say, that wakes her up.

She jerks her head up, bashing her head on the sun shield above her head.

Me and Michael can't stop laughing now.

"Morning, Billie!" Michael laughs.

She then sees me and her eyes widen.

"Oh, Becky!" she gasps. "When did you get here?"

"About last night. That's kinda why Michael didn't wanna, y'know, sleep with you!" I smirk. "He has a girlfriend for that, y'know?"

"B-But Michael," Billie turns to Michael sadly. "You said we could.. we could.."

"It's acting, Billie. I could never cheat on a girl if I love her. And I love Becky, so you're definitely out of the question. I'm sorry I misled you, but I did it to show Becky that I wouldn't do such a thing. Now go home, find someone who isn't taken, and leave me and Becky alone. Ok?" Michael responds calmly and politely.

"But Michael, you-you kissed me! You told me you wanted me!"

"Yes, because it was to make it believable! I even told Becky I hated it, didn't I Becky?" Michael asks me desperately.

I smirk. "Yes, he did."

"I thought you cared for me.." Billie frowns.

"I'm sorry I messed you around Billie, but I love Becky and I won't be leaving her for you.. so I suggest, as your doctor, that you go home, rest yourself, find someone else to fangirl over, and get on with life.. cos I will not be a part of it," Michael tells her.

Billie sighs, and closes her eyes, a tear falling from her right eye.

"What am I?" she asks simply, stepping out of the car, and onto the pavement. "Seriously, what am I?"

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