Chapter 1: You Give Me Fever Introduction

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Author's note; hey guys! I thought a doctor story would be fun, so here's the intro! I hope you guys like this story!

Gold is Michael. Gold is love. Gold is life.

{Just a little hashtag of my personal motto. ;) }


You Give Me Fever - started January 26, 2015.


Hey, I'm Becky Summers! I live in Gary, Indiana, I'm 25 years old and I live a normal, happy life. I have a best friend called Jasper who means the world to me, my parents, and a boyfriend called Alex Measures. He's perfect; his icy blue eyes, blonde hair. We look like twins; I have blonde hair and blue eyes too.

We're gonna stay together forever. We've planned everything, we're gonna get married, have kids, travel the world, have such a happy life.

It's all gonna be perfect, I tell you.


"And we're gonna get married, have children, travel the world ... would you like to carry on, baby?" my boyfriend, Alex asks.

We're both currently sitting on the sofa at his house, Alex with his arm around me. We tell the same story every day.

We love it.

I smile and look into his eyes, "I'd love to carry on."

Alex smiles, "Go ahead baby."

I look down and imagine the perfect life.

"Then, we're gonna go to India, Africa, New York ... uh ... Majorca, England ... our lives are gonna be perfect," I conclude.

Alex smiles and shifts positions on the sofa. "That's right baby, we're gonna go to all those places and more. Our kids'll love it too. They're gonna be so educated in geography, that's for sure!" he chuckles.

I smile and stand up, "I'm lucky to have you."

"And I'm luckier to have you, baby. How about, tomorrow, we go out for a picnic?" Alex suggests.

I smile and nod, "That sounds perfect, baby." I kiss his lips once, and walk into the kitchen, grabbing a cookie from the cookie jar and nibble at it a little. "What kinda stuff we gonna take on this picnic?" I ask.

Alex comes up behind me and hugs me from behind, and kisses my cheek, "We're gonna take sandwiches, and cookies - enough cookies to make my baby girl happy, I know they're your favourite, uh ... we can take some lemonade, cake-"

"All very healthy stuff, right?" I chuckle.

Alex rolls his eyes and, still latched onto me, walks us back into the living room, "C'mon, it's getting late. I think we should go to bed now. It's already 11:30," he says quietly.

I nod, agreeing with him, "Yeah, let's go to bed."

Alex finally lets go of me and we walk up to the bedroom. We change clothes and get into bed, then Alex kisses my nose, followed by my lips.

"Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight, Alex."

7:30am, the next day: 13 June, 1991

"Baby, good morning ... " Alex wakes me.

I turn on my side and groan. "Five more minutes, please ... " I plead.

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