Chapter 49: Freedom Breaks

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1 March, 1993

It's now eight days since Mini was due, and there's still no signs of his or her arrival. Michael has been growing more impatient than ever, and I have, too.

I just want to see my little, innocent child, now.

Right now, Michael's out, buying groceries and essentials for me, him, Jasper and Charlie. He made Jasper and Charlie stay with me, and call him, should I start feeling contractions, but at this rate, I don't see that happening.

"Well, at least we know that in less than a week, you'll have had Mini!" Jasper says, to try and make me happier.

"Yeah... but this is the most dragging part of it all, Jasp. We've been waiting for so long, and now I just want it to happen."

"It'll be soon, babe. It could be any time between now and in six days' time!" Charlie adds.

"Six days are gonna draaaaag," I frown.

"So, what do you wanna do to pass the time?" Jasper asks, to try and take my mind off of it.

"I dunno... I'm not allowed to do any freaking thing now," I say.

"Michael's only over-protective cos he loves you, y'know," Jasper assures me.

"I know, but he's making me feel like an invalid prisoner, only letting me go out as far as the garden."

The boys laugh, but I don't really see amusement in it, to be honest. They've been able to go out and do stuff, but I haven't.

They don't realise how lucky they are.

Oh, I forgot to say - Michael has selected his sister Rebbie to be God mother to Mini, and she gladly accepted.

He said Janet and LaToya are too immature - but I don't really see how, cos they're both grown women.

But whatever floats his boat, I guess.

"But it's for your own good, Becky," Charlie says.

"Ugh," I groan irritably.

"So c'mon, what do you wanna do? We could play a game to pass the time," Jasper says.

"A game? Since when were we five years old?" I ask jokily.

Jasper pouts. "Since our mental age has been that - since forever."

I laugh at his silly pout and let out a sigh, "Fair point, well made. Okay. What game?"

"Ooh, ohh! Can we play Would You Rather?" Charlie asks, raising his hand.

"Sure, sure!" I reply.

"Okay, this one is for you, Charlie," Jasper says. "Uh... would you rather... kiss Becky or Michael?"

Jasper widens his eyes. "Lord, why? You're testing me, Charlie! They're both my best friends, and I'd be betraying you!"

"If you weren't dating me," Charlie reiterates.

Jasper lets out a sigh, unsure on what to say. "I don't think I could kiss either of my best friends, to be honest. They're friends, y'know?"

I put on a fake pout, and fold my arms. "Jaspy doesn't wanna kiss me."

He laughs, "Girl, what are you trying to suggest? You want me to kiss my own best friend?"

I grin widely. "Nah, I'm kidding. I don't care really! But just outta interest, who would you pick?"

"Well..." Jasper trails off. "Uh... hmm, that's a tough one. I guess... seeing as I've known you longer, I'd say you. But I wouldn't betray Charlie like that, and I wouldn't ever dream of letting you betray Michael like that!"

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