Chapter XXIV

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"Han, how come you know all of these lovely ladies?" Lando asked as the shuttle rose into the air.

"Accidentally, believe me. And stop messing with Luna, you don't want to make her angry. She's not into you, take the hint," Han said.

"Who is she? Come on, you promised a story...."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. The thing is that her story is intertwined with other people's stories, some of which are currently closely guarded secrets. I'm not at liberty to tell all of it."

"You keeping secrets for others? Never thought I'd see the day."

"Look, she's just...." Han let out a drawn out breath. "At the very basic of basic, she's an assassin and warrior."

"I could have guessed as much," Lando said with an eye role. "How'd she end up here?"

"She ran away from her Master because of a misunderstanding and is intent on not returning. I guess she needed the money, Luna doesn't seem to be the type to work at a place like that."

"If she left, why didn't you try to bring her back?"

"I'd be dead or unconscious before I'd even manage to come up with a plan," Han said. Lando laughed, thinking that Han was joking before stopping, realizing his old friend wasn't.


"Huntress I to Huntress II, rendezvous at the Illusion asap," Luna said into her comm, as she waited in the shadows of an alleyway.

"Asap?" Ahsoka echoed, the comm coming to life after a few seconds of silence.

"As soon as possible."

"I see," Ahsoka said, by now used to Luna occasionally speaking in Earthen terms. "Do I want to know why?"

"I'll explain once we're there. Be on guard, Imperials are around."

"Copy that," Ahsoka replied. Luna could hear the change of tone in her voice, switching from slightly surprised and worried to on guard.

Luna continued on her way, returning to the Illusion in a decent amount of time, beating Ahsoka there. She went ahead and warmed up the ship.

"What happened?" Ahsoka asked, coming into the cockpit.

"Two Rebels were trying to meet a contact at the club I work at, but the person was compromised. It was a trap," Luna said. "I helped, and by now they probably think there's a Jedi on the loose, so...."

"Time to go."


"Do you know which planet we should head to?" Ahsoka asked as she sat in the copilot seat.

"Doesn't matter much to me, but I was thinking Corellia."

"Fine with me."

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