Chapter CXII

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"All day starin' at the ceilin' makin',

Friends with shadows on my wall.

All night hearing voices tellin' me,

That I should get some sleep,

Because tomorrow might be good for somethin'.

Hold on, feelin' like I'm headed for a breakdown,

And I don't know why...."

Luna was laying on her side, staring out the window of her dark bedroom as her hand ran up and down the Sith Hound laying beside her. The early dark twilight of morning was beginning to seep into the room, allowing her to see what lay in the unknown view beyond.

It wasn't actually her room (like she'd go back to Eclipse's room well aware of the fact Vader's meditation chamber was practically next door), just one of the many unused rooms within the base. She hadn't wanted to stay in the bright medbay any longer, no matter how much it pained her body to be active.

But Luna knew her breaking point. She had to rest, if not to recharge her energy than to allow time for her pain tolerance to once again build. Luna had chipped away at it during her dark-oh-hundred activities and now very little was left. Even with the Force's assistance, her current state of agony would be clear to any stranger.

That said, it wasn't like anyone knew where she was.

The girl was well aware of the fact she was acting like a coward. What other name was there for what she was doing?

Luna was hiding in the dark. Plain and simple. There really wasn't a way to spin that in a positive light regardless of whether or not her body needed the rest.

Well, that wasn't all her body needed. Or mind for that matter. The girl was tempted to fall into a meditation or some description, but knew better. Vader would find her in a heartbeat should she open herself to the Force.

So Luna was just laying there in pain. In the growing light.

Trying to mentally prepare herself for when she would be forced to leave the temporary safe haven. She knew she would have to, be it because they found her or because she herself chose to face them.

It was a given.

Luna just....didn't know how to face them, them of course being Vader and Padmé.

It always seemed to be those two, be it in one form or another.

Perhaps, instead of desperately trying to think of anything but what would trigger a breakdown, Luna ought to just face the music and let herself cry.

It was probably the only way to think through everything. Come to a proper conclusion or realization or epiphany or whatever.

So, first off: The Issue.

Facing them.

Kinda sad that's the only real issue. That and talking to them about things. She used to be Eclipse, had faced down armies, and talking to two people was a challenging problem.

And the things that made talking to them hard weren't even connected really.

Luna's why behind the issue with Vader, if she bothered to look objectively and attempt to keep emotions out of it, honestly didn't even make sense. What she'd seen of the base since returning made it appear rather, well, unused. And she knew Luke and Leia had been in the Rebellion more than not. And Han said—months ago now?—that Vader had been the base's sole occupant. That he'd been here all alone. And now that the girl was bothering to think, it made sense. How often had the twins been away from the fleet and not on a mission?

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