Chapter CLXIX

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The first thing Luna was aware of—besides the never ending sourness that made just laying in place hurt—as she drifted back into consciousness was the cold. It wasn't an unfriendly cold, as the darkside could often be, but it was familiar in some unexplainable way. The next sensation was air rushing into her lungs, carrying with it the sterile scent of a medcenter. Sound came soon after, the familiar beeps of a monitor vocalizing the rhythm of her heart which made her head feel like there was a wookie trapped inside trying to get out.

Scratch that, a hundred wookies.

As Luna forced herself to think past the throbbing pain in her skull, she slowly began to notice that while she could hear machines functioning around her there was something missing.

Why couldn't she hear Vader's respirator? He'd be there waiting for her to wake, right?

Then again, maybe he was busy at the moment. Luna didn't know how long she'd been unconscious, but the girl had a feeling it had been quite awhile. It wasn't Vader's fault that she had woken up while he was gone. It had happened a handful of times before, back when they worked for the Empire. It wasn't like anything bad had happened.

But something wasn't right. In fact, Luna felt like something was very wrong.

She opened her eyes, squinting at the harsh light shining down on her just long enough to survey the room. Luna quickly gave up on trying to focus on the world around her once she was certain she was in fact alone. She felt too horrible to keep her eyes open and deal with the brightness that covered the room.

Weakly, Luna turned her attention to the Force, trying to feel for Vader's presence, but she was forced to give up all too quickly. Everything hurt too much. Even something as simple as brushing the bond took too much effort, and Luna couldn't help but groan at the extra agony that came about from the attempt as tears started leaking out of her eyes. Everything just hurt so bad. She could hardly concentrate.

Moments later, Luna could feel herself drifting off once more—likely at the behest of drugs. The girl didn't bother to argue, gratefully taking the offered escape into restful darkness.

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