Chapter CLXXI

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"We came as soon as we could," Han said as he, Leia, Luke, and Chewie met up with Ahsoka just outside of the room where Luna had been for the past few months. The girl in question appeared little different from their last visit, still lying unconscious on the bed. Padmé was sitting next to her, holding Luna's hand. "She woke up?"

"For a little bit," Ahsoka answered. "The droids thought it best to put her into a medical coma for a few days so that her body is in a stronger and less painful state before she overdoes it again."

"Overdoes it? How the hell did that happen?" Luke questioned.

"Luna was....unaware of what happened to Vader. It caught me off guard when she asked. I should have come up with some other explanation, waited a few days before I told her."

"No, you did the right thing. But I'm surprised she didn't sense anything when it happened," Leia commented, not without a frown. "It was impossible to miss."

"If you think about it, it isn't actually all that surprising," Luke pointed out. "I mean, if our working theory for the cause of this is right...."

"Then it makes sense as to why she wouldn't have sensed it. And as it is, all the evidence points to the theory being right," Ahsoka said. "Luna only woke after the count had stabilized for an extended period of time. I don't think it'll be changing on her again."

"Even if it doesn't, it's going to be a massive change for her," Han stated. "I mean, look at her.... How many more shocks do you think she can handle?"

"Which is why the droids are insisting on taking it slowly."

"This is Luna we're talking about. Are you sure she's not going to discover it all on her own?"

"We just have to try to introduce everything to her gradually. Most of it is going to be a bit harder to figure out."

"So you already told her about Vader," Leia began. "What are we going to be informing her of next?"

"The next most noticeable thing....which she'll probably take just about as well," Ahsoka admitted, not looking excited at the prospect. "Maybe worse."

"Maybe we should start, or continue I guess, with something less life altering?" Han suggested.

"We can't," Luke responded with a sigh. "We either tell Luna the cause and explain what happened, or she'll start freaking out about it. Not to mention her body isn't in the best of shape for her to be testing limits she is unaware of. She might even hurt herself."

"This is going to be hell for her," Leia muttered, shaking her head as her voice lowered. "I can't imagine what she'll be going through. I'm glad she's finally getting better, but will it actually be worth it for her? It's one thing to lose a limb, but this?"

"Luna will get through it," Luke stated, his voice firm. "She was strong enough to survive the initial fall out, and she will get through the repercussions."

"Survival is different from living, Kid. Think about it: Any one of the things she's going to have to deal with would be enough to mess up anyone," Han pointed out. "Luna's going to have all of it at once. And let's be honest with ourselves, the only person who really knew her is dead."

"He's not gone."

"Yeah, but she'll never be able to see him."

"Only if—"

"There is no if," Ahsoka interrupted, her voice grave sounding. "I may not be the most familiar, but I know the general cut off. Han's right.... Unless Anakin figures out whatever the hell Apollo does, they will never meet again. Not while she's on this plan of reality at least."

"Would that be possible?" Leia asked, not without a frown. "For him to figure out what Apollo does?"

The Grey Jedi shrugged: "I wouldn't know. Luna has more knowledge than I do in that area."

"Of course she does."

"But it's probably not a conversation we should be having with her any time soon. One thing at a time."

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