Chapter XCIII

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"So, what's the verdict?" Han asked as Luke rushed aboard the Falcon moments before take off. "Do we have back up?"

"We've got backup," the boy responded with a smile.

"Good," Leia stated as the group moved to where Chewie was waiting in the cockpit. "Knowing our luck, some Hands are going to appear from nowhere."

"Yeah, his thoughts exactly."

"So does he have a particular plan to assist our current one or...."

"He's going to march on the place if necessary...." Luke answered, not all that happy with the idea, though considering their last experience of sneaking into a base with Vader storming the place as a distraction, he knew better than to think it that dangerous for the Sith.

"Define necessary," Leia requested.

"Let me guess," Han began as he took his seat, "our plan goes wrong?"


"Great. Love simple plans. Is he over the whole Leia and I are dating thing yet?"

"I didn't ask," Luke responded, hands flying up in mock surrender. He didn't know what had possessed Han to mention it over holocall a little before the Masquerade Mission, but the result had been an agreement to not tell Vader the location of that particular excursion to give him time to hopefully cool off. Honestly, they had been lucky Luna had been there to help things go more or less smoothly on that one because it would have been quite a challenge otherwise, and not in a good way. "Not my business, that's between you, Leia, and him."

"Oh, real helpful, Kid. Good to know you have my back," Han said sarcastically.

"You are the one who decided to tell him," Leia pointed out, though there was only annoyance in her voice, likely due to the fact they hadn't discussed it beforehand.

"I'm just looking in the long term," the Smuggler responded, giving his girlfriend a smile. "I mean, I'd like to be on the guy's good side if at all possible. Won't have to worry about him Force choking all the time."

Leia laughed, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before settling down in the seat behind him. "He'll have to get through me first."


The moment Ahsoka had left the planet, Luna was soaking in the taste of freedom by slipping into one of the clubs geared towards the entertainment of Imperial officers dressed in the guise of a dancing girl. Infiltration went off without a hitch. Yes, the Grey Jedi may be back in no time, but the ex-Shadow wasn't about to let the chance slip through her fingers.

And she was glad she had acted so quickly. It wasn't long before she was overhearing some rather interesting information that made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.

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