Chapter CLXIII

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"That appears to be the last of them," Ahsoka noted as she surveyed the stormtroopers who were kneeling on the ground with their hands on their unhelmeted heads, having surrendered to the Rebel forces once news of the victory in the battle far above reached the ground.

"So it is," Han agreed. "Have you heard from the 501st?"

"Not since I got word the twins joined the fight on that side," she answered, her expression unreadable. The Smuggler could help but frown. He knew something had happened, something beyond the Emperor's death. Ahsoka had frozen up and her expression had slipped into something like Leia's Princess Face—name for the usage of perfect emotionless control the Alderaanian used when negotiating as a Princess and representative—ever since. Han couldn't ask when it happened as the timing was bad, but now he couldn't help but wonder what the hell Ahsoka had sensed. Luke and Leia were fine, which knocked off two worst case scenarios of....perhaps four? Maybe five.

But it had been awhile since last contact, and Han didn't like the fact it sounded like things had gone wrong on the other ground battle. Hopefully the tide had turned since he'd last heard from them, but still.... The Smuggler didn't like it when his friends were on a battlefield he didn't have eyes on. How the hell was he supposed to save their skins if he didn't know they needed saving?

"General Solo, Commander Tano," a voice said, drawing the two's attention. It was Commander Rex, who'd come up behind them. "Princess Leia on the holo for you."

"If she has the time to holocall, things must be going well," Han muttered, a hopefulness in his voice he didn't entirely feel. He knew they'd won, that much was obvious and worth celebrating, even if he couldn't see the Death Star blow up thanks to all the storm clouds. That said, something didn't feel right. Maybe it was just the bad weather getting to him.

One look at Leia's holo, and Han knew it wasn't the weather.

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