Chapter CXXXVI

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"Are you sure you're alright, Father?" Luke questioned, having just entered the Tantive IV from the Atremis's Illusion. The two ships were at the pre-planned rendezvous just outside of Shu-Torun's system. He and Ahsoka had split off from Han and Chewie after their mission when Leia had sent them confirmation of victory as well as news of an alliance with Queen Trios because that was a thing now. The whole group had just been about to leave in order to assist with the attack, but had decided to separate from Han and Chewie when it was clear that there was no reason for all of them to go. The Millennium Falcon had returned to the Rebellion to deliver the informant and meet back up with Leia while the Jedi learner and Grey had decided to regroup with what seemed to have become the rest of the Illusion cell.

"I'm fine," the Sith, looking none the worse for wear, answered. If Luke had not felt the injury occur from over their bond, he may have believed the man.

"Don't listen to him," Ahsoka stated, apparently used to such a response not being true. "Padmé, is he alright?"

"He's supposed to be resting," Luke's Mother answered, sounding as though it was an argument that had been had and one she had lost.

Ahsoka crossed her arms and gave the Dark Lord a look that was almost identical to one the boy had seen the Togruta giving his half-sister, though noticeably less severe—weather it was because the Grey Jedi was more comfortable bullying the girl into submission than a Sith Lord or because she was herself once an apprentice of the man he didn't know. "Where's Luna? Can't she heal you?"

"Luna's come down with a cold," Vader explained. "She isn't in the position to be doing much of anything at the moment." Luke couldn't help frowning at the words, sensing there was more to the statement then his Father was letting on.

"A cold?" Ahsoka repeated, raising an eyebrow. "I've watched that girl work herself to exhaustion while having a fever, and you're saying a cold would stop her from trying out some of the new healing tricks she found on Moraband?"

"I'm pretty sure she worked herself to exhaustion on Shu-Torun considering she practically collapsed afterwards," Padmé said.

"That would do it I guess."

"Must be a pretty bad cold," Luke muttered, still finding it hard to believe that the girl could be taken out by something so mundane. But then again, Luna had been putting her body through the wringer as of late with her avoidance of sleep topped with what happened on Corellia; it wasn't too surprising that her immune system had given out on her. "She didn't seem sick when we left."

"Hopefully she'll recover soon. We can't afford to have anyone down right now," Ahsoka stated, giving Vader a pointed look before sighing and turning her attention back to Padmé. "I'll go make sure Luna stays in bed. Knowing her, she'll want to be up and about as soon as she can open her eyes."

"Thank you," the woman said. Ahsoka nodded and left. "Luke, is Artoo with you?"

"Yeah, he's with Kaytee on the Illusion," the boy answered, not hiding the small frown that came about from the question. "Why? You need him for something?"

"Yes. Mind if we borrow him?"

"Only if Father rests like he's supposed to."

Luke could feel Vader's annoyance even without touching the Force.


"Artoo, we need to see that holo," Padmé said, going on what was at least the tenth attempt of convincing the droid to show them the holo. The R2 Unit was stubborn, though she already knew that. The woman simply wasn't used to said droid's stubbornness being used against her. The droid replied, and she looked to Vader, who was seated nearby and had for the most part remained out of the argument, for translation.

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