Chapter LXXXIX

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They were completely surrounded and Luna was willing to bet she was the only one aware. The problem was there was strength in numbers and that everyone was currently separated, not to mention that child she or Ahsoka had to find time to collect before things got too dangerous.

The blade the ex-Shadow had made on Moraband rested reassuringly against her leg under her skirt, unfortunately it was the only physical weapon between her and Ahsoka. The problem with blending in by following rules is that you had to follow most if not all of the rules. The only reason Luna was even armed was because the thing would reappear in is sheith after she had dropped it for a little longer than minute, assuming Ahsoka hadn't picked it up (that was another thing, apparently Luna had to give people permission to wield it or else it acted like Thor's blasted hammer). Knowing this, she had dropped it outside, went through security, and had been armed once more by the time she made it to the ballroom.

Thankfully, Luke, Leia, and Han had all likely come armed. Slightly less to worry about.

But, they needed a distraction to have those three meet up, any movement to do so on their end would be disastrous without one. Luna had faith she and Ahsoka could take care of themselves and claim new weapons, but those three?

Even if Luke and Leia both had lightsabers with them, Luna wasn't about to trust their capabilities until she'd seen one or both of them defeat either her or Vader.

This really wasn't going to end well, was it?

Well, the best thing she could do at the moment was find a way to create a distraction of some description. Perhaps make it look like she was the more threatening party and give the others time to slip away. Ahoska would stay, but the ex-Shadow wasn't too worried about her friend. Their old Master had taught them how to take care of themselves after all.

So, how to draw a ton of attention to herself? Clearly Luna had to make sure there was a subtle Rebel implication in it to get the enemy's attention. Perhaps it would be an even better idea to get Ahsoka with her so it looked like they were regrouping earlier for some sort of reason. Or that they were the bigger threat.

They wouldn't be wrong. But there was still the child....

How to do it....

Luna's eyes landed on the rather empty stage as her mouth twisted into a grin.


Why was it that Luna always showed up in the oddest of places? Seriously, had Leia not known any better, she'd had thought Vader had started overseeing her and Luke through his Shadow once again.

But the Princess did know better. Luna was here for her own reasons. The fact she'd tried to help them out bid the guy was likely out of....the kindness of her heart? Force knew when it came to the girl. The Shadow had made it clear she supported the Rebellion in the past, so perhaps that was part of it. But then again, she shouldn't know why they were after an Alderaanian painting. How important it was for them to get their hands on it.

Of course, even Luna with her small army of human purses hadn't managed to grab it. They'd have to do what Leia had been hoping to avoid and steal the thing, not an easy endeavor considering the security of the transportation of the merchandise.

And it didn't help that the Princess felt like her every move was being watched or that Luke had given the prepare for conflict sign. Or the fact that Luna's presence was all but suffocating them. It was clear Vader's Shadow was either sensing possible danger or preparing for possible trouble. Leia was no expert, but she was all but sure she'd almost tripped on an nonexistent tentacle that was chained on the neck of a guard, much like the kinds she'd felt from the Sith girl and her Master throughout the years.

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