t w o: Scratches*

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Two: Scratches

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Two: Scratches

She passed every tree as she ran barefoot in the woods. Her breaths kept shorten every now and then, making Jude hard to breath. The seven year old girl could hear the terrifying low growling behind her. Chasing the small frightened girl.

Jude tried all her best to push her fear down, and conjured up her strength. Her house was not far as it slowly appeared in her view. She mustered up all her energy to push her small, thin, legs to run faster.

Ahead of her was a branch. Tall enough to not hit her, and for her to reach and flicked it behind her causing it to fell as it slapped its face. But, although the action had work, it was a matter of time until it began to chase her once again.

Once her house came in full view, Jude didn't hesitate to run across the yard and up the porch. Small hands gripped on door handle, willing it to twist and open. But it wouldn't budge. She continued trying to open the door ; knocking on the wood desperately to get in and away from it. But it still wouldn't open.

Eventually, it had already reached her. Jude saw the shadows, and she knew it was right behind her. The brunette slowly turned around to face it. Eyes shut tightly, head faced away from it, and her fists clenched and shook by her side.

A minute passed by, and Jude didn't hear anything. She thought it had already gone away, but soon figured she was wrong, as black eyes staring down deep into her dark brown ones. Its sinister smile glaring right in front of her as a way of taunting her. Jude regretted opening her eyes, as her nightmare stood there. The nightmare that kept haunting her life everytime she closed her eyes.

Jude watched as it opened her mouth revealing rows of sharp teeth. The temperature dropped, just like that day had once did.

His eerie low voice filled the silence of the night. "Come home, Little Judy"

Jude sat up from her bed. Her chest rising up and down rapidly as she took deep breaths and exhaled them slowly. She reached for the water bottle on her bedside table and drank it. Placing it carefully back on the table, Jude pulled her gloves offs and began to scratch her arms, disobeying her mother's advice not to.

She was used to the pain, but the pain was always unbearable. Sometimes she ended up having scars all over her arms and red scratches from her fingernails. Jude always remembered her mother kept reminding her to never take the glove off, but she just couldn't resist having her skin scratched the itchiness off of her body, her sharp nails piercing through her skin.

Back in New York, at the age of 10, Jude had started scratching her skin, mainly her cheeks and neck, before moving to her arms and face, out of no were. Her condition was assumed to be an allergic reaction, but the only problem was, they didn't exactly know what she was allergic to, and it wasn't exactly rashes, because she shown no sign of it. For four years, her parents had been cautious over everything. What she eats, touched and other things. Then when the scratching finally stopped, everything went back to normal. At least, it felt like it was , because they were still cautious of it.

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