t w e l v e: Concerned over Jude*

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twelve: Concerned over Jude. 

THE COLD breeze blew his sandy brown hair, as he walked on the road to his school. Adam shivered as the temperature dropped down once again, causing him to bring his cardigan closer.

He regretted wearing a t-shirt in the first place, not having the time to go through his closet, since he woke up late. He had only just woke up from a nightmare. One that felt so real.

He dreamt of an abandoned house. The Corkscrew Manor. The creepy abandoned building where teenagers went to scare the living daylights out of people. As Gracie had said. 

He dreamt of hiding under the bed in one of the rooms, listening to the others fainted voice as they escaped from something Adam couldn't figured, and to the heavy footsteps and a tapping on the old floorboards.

Adam didn't see where it went, and thought it disappeared when he couldn't hear anything. But he was proved wrong, when the covered was pulled up, and eyeless face smiled back at him. Letting a wicked laugh, while Adam screamed and tried to get away.

By the time he woke up, it was already late, and hurried up to get ready.

The wind tickled his ear, and he shivered from the feeling. The silence made him feel on edge. Adam wished Gracie was here, seeing as they were neighbors, but he had gotten a text message from her, saying she needed to get to school early to hand in her assignments.

So, there he was walking alone, dreading for the moment where he was almost nearing his school.

That was until the hairs on his arms raised. Fear started to crawl up his body, and his heart beating rapidly in his chest. He willed his body to move, but it wouldn't. Instead, he was frozen in his place.

An urge to look to his right washed over him.

For a moment, his heart stopped. Because, there stood the same manor he had dreamt not too long ago.

Corkscrew Manor towering over him, mocking at his shaking figure. Memories of the dream surfaced and filled his mind. All he could see was the sinister smile of the eyeless man with the top hat and hearing its haunting laugh.

Adam felt eyes staring at his way. His own grey eyes darted towards one of the window on the second floor. They squinted at it, when a movement  behind the window made him stepped back. His jaw dropped in shock.

Adam decided not to linger at the spot and used all of his power to move and walk away. Which his body finally obeyed. He walked faster than before, eager to get away from the empty abandoned building of nightmare.

He could still feel its eyes on at his back, and he swore he had seen the nightmare it self standing behind the glass pane. Its bloody smile, stretched back.

ON THE last day of the weekend, Jude had somehow woke up in the middle of nowhere. Laying on the dirty ground of the forest floor surrounded with trees and a pond was seen not too far from her. Her arms had those familiar purple and green bruises littered on her pale skins. Some were old and some were new. Her legs were covered with cuts that she didn't knew where it came from. Her barefoot had dirt on it, and more cuts were found from her ankle to the bottom of her feet.

She was glad that she woke up in the middle night than morning: the time where her mother wakes up. It took her an hour - she assumed it was an hour - for her to find her way back. When she got home, she sneaked into the downstairs bathroom where the first aid kit was and cleaned up her wounds. Wincing and holding back her screams to prevent waking up her mother and grandmother, as tears flowed down her cheeks.

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