s i x t e e n: The Truth Hurts*

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sixteen: The truth hurts.


"WHAT DID you just said?!"

Harley yelled at her in the empty football field. Her eyes stared at her with anger and pain. She couldn't believe the words the brunette had told her.

The blonde tried so hard to convince herself that it was a lie. It couldn't be true. It's a lie. Nothing's true when the words came out of her mouth.

"Believe it or not it's true. Even everyone is this town knows about it. You're the only one who's trying to deny the truth." Jude reasoned with her.

Behind them the others watched anxiously how the scene went out.

They should've waited. But Jude being irrational in her decisions sometime had decided to tell her. Thinking that it was best for the blonde to know rather than figured out it was too late.

Jude could be cruel sometime, but she knew that Harley shouldn't ignore the fact that her mother was hiding it from her. Her situation had reminded Jude of one of her friends in New York.

Their dad had an affair with his mistress and when they found out, they nearly hurt themselves because of it.

She figured that Harley didn't deserve to not know about it. Jude could clearly see that something was going on with Harley even when she kept up her cold facade. Something told her that Harley wasn't as cold and fearsome as she was now.

"No. It's a lie. My mom would never do it. She would never do this to our family. Our perfect family." Harley tried to convince herself. But even she was starting to doubt herself. "You're wrong. Everything you said is wrong! You're just trying to embarrass me in front of the school, aren't you?"

"Harley." She turned to see Tate walking towards her gently. "She's right. We saw you're mom last night leaving with a man looking disheveled from one of the room at the lodge. She was even clinging on to him before he left."

Harley shook her head, refusing to believe them.

Tate and Jude looked at each other with worry. They didn't know if it was a good idea to tell her in the first place. But Jude could tell it was her fault for now, because Tate wanted to wait, but Jude didn't. So, currently it was her fault.

Sitting in the lobby of the Hawthorne lodge, Jude carefully wiped the blood with the cotton. She would stop every second when Tate winced, and gently continue to fix him up.

It didn't help when Tate kept staring at her making the girl squirmed in her seat.

It went on for minutes, and Jude finally gave up. She huffed and looked back at him directly. "Would you please stop staring at me?" she ordered him.

"It's hard not to, when a pretty girl is patching me up." He said. His brow arched teasingly and he grinned at her. "Who's playing doctor now?"

Damn you, Jude thought. She pressed the cotton bud on the scrape harshly and smirked satisfyingly at him as he hissed in pain.

Once she was finished with cleaning the wound, Jude searched through the med kit they had asked for from the register, for a bandage but all she could find were plasters with those cartoon pictures on it. Clearly, they had mistaken her as a child seeing as how short she was.

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