t h r e e : The New Kids*

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Three : the new kids

IT HAD BEEN only a day since he had moved in, and now he was the talk of the whole school. Every where he go, he'll hear his name.

"That's Adam Lavender"

"The new kid"

"New kids this year are looking good"

That last part was a bit confusing to Adam, and soon realised that he wasn't the only new kid. That being said, his nerves lessened when his anxiety kicked in the moment he stepped into the school.

Though that didn't stop him from feeling all eyes on him.

Adam returned his focus rather than on the unwanted attention he's receiving to grabbing his books from his locker for literature. His head up high in the clouds, filled with overthinking thoughts for the whole day, made him flinched at the sudden noise of the locker door next to him being closed.

He didn't realised that he had flinched at the noise and tried to ignore that it ever happened, and hoped whoever was on the other side would not noticed that as well.

But it didn't when he heard a knock and saw from the corner of his eyes his locker door was opened widely.

A girl with blonde hair and pink tips in pigtails stood leaning on the door. Dark blue eyes looking at him. A paint smeared on the porcelain skin of her cheek.

"Hi" she greeted him, with a smile, showing her pearly white teeth.

Adam glanced at her for a moment, and it struck him that she was beautiful. He didn't know why he thought of that, but he guess that it was in a moment thing.

He didn't realised that he was staring when he heard snickers. His eyes caught a boy with black hair and heterochromia eyes. A smirk on his lips as he looked at Adam before looking down to his phone.

"Hello" Adam only managed to squeak, which made his face flushed red and embarrassed. He cleared his throat before speaking again. "Umm, hi"

The girl in front of him giggled. "You're Adam right? The new kid"

There it is again. The new kid.

"Yes, I am" he said, unenthusiastically.

"Woah. Not happy being called the new kid, huh? Duly noted" she teased.

Adam shook his head, letting out a small laugh. "Not that it was an insult, but yeah. I really don't like being called the new kid"

"I just don't like being under the spotlight. They just made my um —anxiety, w-worst"

The blonde's eyes softened at him. She watched as he averted his eye contact from her and began rubbing the back of his neck. She knew how anxiety could be a bitch sometimes, as she used to have them when she was young. But she managed to overcome it and now she was able to do things that her anxiety had prevented her to before.

Out of instinct, she reached out her hand and placed them on Adam's right hand that was on his neck and brought them down. Sliding her hand in his and rubbed her thumb on the back of his hand. Hoping to calm his anxiety down.

It did worked. Which surprised him, as most of the people that could calm him down was his mother and younger sister.

He looked at the girl with the surprise still evident in his eyes.

She smiled at him softly. "I'm Gracie Young"


Gracie laughed lightly at him, and soon he realised that he'd managed to make himself a fool since she already knew who he was. Adam closed his eyes tightly and scrunched his face in embarrassment.

The bell rang for the next class. Adam figured that he was going to be late and was about to tell Gracie that he had to leave for his class, but then soon found out that he didn't knew where it was. Before he could ask her, Gracie had leaned forwards and saw the literature textbooks in his arms.

"Come on. My class is next to literature, so I'll take you there" she nodded towards the classrooms.

Adam found himself nodding afterwards and followed her lead. Along the way, too preoccupied with having a conversation with Gracie, he had forgotten her hands intertwined with his.

When he arrived to his literature class, Adam was relieved that the teacher wasn't there yet. The brown haired boy quickly said goodbye to Gracie.

Letting out a sigh, he stood there at the doorway for a moment, looking for an open seat. He tried to avoid the one at front and the middle where he could avoid being called by the teacher. Luckily he'd found a seat at the back, beside a girl with mid length brown hair. She was leaning on her hand with her elbow propped up, and was reading a book.

Adam took a deep breath before mustering his courage and walked up towards the empty seat. He tried not to gain her attention for one; she looked comfortable reading and he doesn't want to disturb her, and two he wasn't sure if was ready to strike up another conversation with another person.

But then his foot caught the strap of her bag causing him to stumble a bit and the brunette to look up at him with startled eyes.

Once Adam gained his posture, he rubbed his neck and smiled nervously at her. "I-I'm really sorry" he stammered.

The girl shook her head, a strand fell from her half tied hair. A reassuring smile on her lips. "No. No, it's okay" she assured him. The brunette moved her bag to her other side, in hopes to avoid any more incidents that involved tripping on her bag.

She noticed that Adam was still standing and gestured towards the desk beside her, and told him to seat.

Adam embarrassingly scrambled to his seat, earning himself a small laughter from her. He smiled sheepishly at her before turning to the front, and rubbed his hands.

The brunette noticed his actions and figured to stop him from doing it, as she knew he was nervous. She closed her book and placed her hand between them for him to shake.

"My name's Jude. Jude Hatter" she introduced herself.

Adam stared at her hand, before smiling back at her and shook them. "Adam Lavender".

When they pulled away, Jude nodded her head understanding the reason for his anxiety.

"I want to say that you're new," Adam winced at her statement. "But I'm guessing that you probably hate after hearing it a couple of times"

"That's, um, true" he agreed. "I-I'm guessing you're new too"

"That is correct."

"Glad I'm not the only one" Adam joked. His anxiety slowly fading away and he found himself comfortable talking to her.

"Oh yeah. Welcome to the New kids pack"

The two talked for a moment, eventually talking about marvel and who their favourite superheroes were. Jude being Wanda Maximoff and Adam's spiderman. They talked and talked until the teacher came in and began their class.

And on that day, Adam had found himself in the company of both Jude Hatter and Gracie Young, his two new friends.

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