z e r o pt.1 : Prologue

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10 years earlier, 2014

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10 years earlier, 2014

Seven children played at the park together. It was just them that day. No parents nearby, just them and the playgrounds, and the trees surrounded them. Even on a dark gloomy day, the children still laugh in joy. Except for one girl.

Her small hands flipped through the pages of the book. A book filled with monsters, dreams and nightmares. Hazel eyes scanned through every word. Her mouth moving as words come out silently while she read the sentences. Even at the age seven, Jude could never stopped reading. Reading made her comfortable and provided distractions from the real world. her father once asked her why she preferred reading in a world that doesn't exist instead of the real world.

'The reality is a mess, whereas the fiction world is better and anything could happen. Even the impossible can be possible ' The seven year old once told him. Although she was young, her mind was wiser than the older man himself. He was surprised by his own daughter's words that he cried as he hugged her

Time passed by and eventually, Jude stopped when a shadow loomed over her. The girl looked up and saw her brown haired friend. "Come on, Judy! Stop reading and let's play!" His green eyes pleaded at her.

"Just leave her alone and let her read, Tate" a new voice said. Mike Taylor stood behind him. One ice cream cone in his left hand and another two was in his right, which was for Tate and Jude. The brunette was curious as to how the two desserts hadn't fallen off of his hands.

Tate walked towards the boy and thanked him as Mike gave him the ice cream cones. The little Andrew then sat next to Jude om the bench and close her book, setting them neatly on her lap, before giving her the ice cream. He knew how much books meant to her, because he remembered how he once destroyed - Jude's word not his - her Alice in wonderland book. She had cried and Tate had tried to comfort her and practically begged his mother to buy him an Alice in wonderland copy with his money he saved in his piggy bank, as an apology present. From that day on, he became careful enough not to ruin anything when his friend was surrounded with books.

"Thank you" she said. Tate only smiled at her, adorable dimples appearing on his cheeks, before began eating his ice cream.

Soon the rest of the children came and sit with them. Each with an ice cream in hand. They all talked and laughed at one another, Mike telling them jokes until all of them laughed their hearts out. Then, Harley stopped and turned to Jude.

"What's that book about, Judy?" the eight year old asked, and point at the book on the latter's lap.

The said girl looked down and then back up. "Its about monsters and dreams and nightmares. Dad gave it to me for my birthday"

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