T w e n t y - s i x : Founders day

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Twisted Acres

Twisted Acres High

Today's the day. Founders day. The day where everyone celebrates the day the founders create Twisted Acres. Their twisted little town.

It was also the day of the recital. And not to forget, the return of the Hatters as well.

The wind blew lightly and the temperature dropped to a cold breeze. Everyone stood on the bleachers with thick coats, scarfs and hats to warm them up. The school's Jackie the Jack' O lantern mascot, the football team and the cheerleaders crowded the field across from Willow Creek High team.

The T. A high football and the cheerleading team adorned in red jerseys and red with gold stripes and black cheer uniform, whereas the W. C high has blue jerseys, blue and grey cheer uniform. 

The loud sound of the marching band filled the air and the crowds cheered as they watch the cheerleaders performed.

"T. A . HIGH! T. A . HIGH!"

Tate's ears ringed as he listened to the cheers. His elbows on his knees as he sat on a bench in the locker room. Green brown eyes stared at his feet as he tried to calm his beating heart. His stomach twisted every now and then, every time he heard the horn blared outside the locker room. Palms were sweaty and he kept wiping them on his pants, but the more he did, the more anxious he was. He tried drinking down the nerve before, but then he thought it might not be a great idea if he had to go to the bathroom right before the game started.

He paced back and forth but that too didn't calm his nerve. Tate felt the room was spinning when he stood up, so he sat back down. His fist clenched and unclenched, and his breath uneven. Right then, the voices drowned out, and he could only hear his breathing and heart beat.

He wanted his mom. His dad. Anyone really, to comfort him, and tell him that everything will be fine. That he can— no, will win this. That he was a champion. A winner.

But he doesn't want that though. No, he doesn't want anyone — and not even his family, saying that. He wanted Jude. He needed Jude to tell him that. Tate needed to hear her voice after days not hearing them. Fearing that one day he'll forget them. The sweet, soft melody of her voice that could lulled him to sleep any time she speaks. That could make the whole world from spinning in chaos stop. The voice that could make you listen even if you had no intention to.

Her voice was like a drug he could never withdrawn from it.

So, that's what he did. Tate darted towards his duffle bag, and searched for his phone. Once the device was in his hand, he quickly dialled her phone number and wait for an answer. The ringing cause the anticipation to increase and suddenly he felt claustrophobic, as the room was getting smaller and smaller, and suffocating him.

Fortunately, the ringing ended and was soon replaced by the soothing voice that he couldn't get enough off.


His heart fluttered at Jude's voice. Mind racing as thoughts and words came scrambling to the front of his mind in a frenzy. Disabling him from speaking.

But, as Jude's voice flowed through the phone once again, his kind went blank and he schooled his face to a calm and collective one.

You can do this, Tate.

Clearing his throat, while adjusting the collar of his jersey, Tate began to talk. "Uhm, hi Jude"

He'd hoped that Jude wouldn't hear the nervousness in his voice, but it was obvious that she had caught on to it, when she heard the slight tremor when he speaks.

"Are you okay, Tate? You sound nervous"

"Yeah. Just the before game jitters... y' know since today is the, uhm, game day" beads of sweat rolled down on his face, and he wasn't even on the field yet!

He could hear faint breathing, some soft murmuring and music playing in the background on the other side of the line.

"Tate Andrews, are you worried you won't be able to carry out this game as a champion?"

His blank response gave her the answer. Tate heard her sighed on the other side.

"Tate, you are a winner. No matter what you think negatively of yourself, you are ALWAYS a winner. A champion. In everyone's eyes"

"In my eyes".

"But, what if I can't?"

"But, what if you can ?"

Jude waited for an answer from him, and when he didn't answered, she continued. "You are one of a kind, Tate. You never lose. If you want it, you'll work hard for it and get it eventually with real effort.  There's never a moment you won't lose anything"

"But I'd lose you" he mumbled quietly, hoping Jude didn't hear him. Eventually, she did.

"And you got me back in the end, didn't you?"

"Even if it takes longer than a year or quick in a second, you always get what you want. You always win.

And you will win this game. No matter what you think off, because you are TATE ANDREW. Twisted Acres High, golden boy and star quarter back. Malia and Benjamian's son, Thalia's brother, our friend, and my..."

His heart waited for the anticipation. Waiting to hear what Jude had thought of him as of recent. He was scared of the outcome of the argument days ago, that he didn't thought a single thing of it in the future. He wanted to stay clear off that lane, so he wouldn't live in fear and wonder what to happen next.

"My best friend"

And just like that, his heart exploded and lightness spread on his chest, despite a slight ache. It wasn't something he expected, but he'll accept it.

"Now, you go out there, Tate, and win the tournament for Twisted Acres. Be the champion that everyone sees. I believe in you, Tate"

Pride swarmed him, and he felt the adrenaline in his body returned and the anxiety disappeared. A smile formed on his face, and tears clouded his vision.

She believed in him. And that's all he needed to win this. Turning back to the phone, he returned his call with Jude with a beaming smile on his face.

"Thank you, Jude"

"You're welcome. You better win this, Tate, or else I'll haunt you in your sleep as the ghost of your nightmares" Jude taunted playfully.

Tate laughed off the threat and said a quick goodbye to her, not before saying, "I love you" quickly — and unintentionally, and hung up. Leaving the girl on the other side froze in shock and the boy running with adrenaline pumped in his body into the field.

Dee speaks

-a short filler story

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