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"I'm Jungkook's husband and you repaired our plumbing 2 years ago."   "Yes, Jin right. How may I help you?"  "The pipe under my sink burst and I don't know what to do, or who else to call. I'm sorry if I am bothering you with it being so late."    "It's really no problem. I'm out of town right now and I will be back in the morning, maybe I can have a look at it then."   "Sure, that's fine but what should I do in the meantime? Any help is appreciated."   "Tell Jungkook to locate and turn off the water valve outside and that should stop it for now."   "Jungkook is not here so where is the water valve located?" Jin with the help of Tae's guidance turns off the water valve.

"Thank you so much. I will see you tomorrow."   "You're welcome Jin. Do I call this number to reach you when I'm back in town?"    "Yes, please do."   "Okay Jin I will call you tomorrow." They hang up and Jin looks at all the water that has flooded on the kitchen floor and has soaked into the living room's carpet. He tries his best to get up some of the water. He changes clothes and falls asleep.


Earlier that night while JK and Jimin were on their way to JK's condo, JK texted Jin to add cover to what he is doing. JK closes the partition between the driver and him and Jimin. Jimin kisses JK and they both pleasure each other with oral sex. They arrive at the condo and Jimin is immediately captivated. He knows that everything about it has Jin's touch. Jimin becomes Jealous but knowing he is there with JK and Jin isn't, gives him satisfaction.

Jimin helps JK prepare for the guys. JK bought Jimin a cute outfit to wear. As the guys arrive with their outside lovers, Jimin's nervousness turns into calmness. JK introduces everyone to Jimin and just like JK thought, Jimin steals the show. JK looks down at his phone when it buzzes. It was Jin returning his text. He smiles at Jin's text and put the phone down and continued enjoying himself with Jimin.

After the guest leaves, Jimin and JK go to JK's and Jin's room. "Is this where you and Jin sleep?" "Yes. Why?"   "Are you sure you want to do this here?"   "Jimin, you are sleeping with your best friend's husband and now you want to question where we fuck. Why are your clothes still on? I want you to show me what you text me earlier." Jimin strips and JK's cock stiffens as he watches Jimin. Jimin climbs in the bed and they have sex throughout the night.

The next morning, JK takes Jimin to see the house. Jimin is happy that JK is buying him a house, especially the one Jin wants. The realtor arrives and meet with Jimin and JK. "Hello Mr. Jeon and you are." The realtor greets JK then turns to Jimin. "I'm Jimin, JK's brother-in-law." "So, you are the one purchasing the house. I met your brother, Jin, yesterday. He was so excited for the house I thought he was the one purchasing it. But I was informed by Mr. Jeon that you are the buyer." "Yes. My brother is always excited about house hunting." Jimin gives the realtor a warm smile. "Well congratulations Mr. Park Jimin. All the finance and paperwork were approved. You are the owner of this beautiful mansion. We just need you to sign some papers." Jimin immediately adds his signature. "Well, here are your keys."

JK watches as Jimin's face lights up when the keys are placed in Jimin's hand. The realtor leaves and Jimin starts kissing JK. "Thank you so much for finding and buying this house for me. It's perfect." "You are welcome Jimin. Just pick out your furniture and put it on the card I gave you. Its unlimited, so don't worry about the cost." "I love you so much JK. I can't wait until Jin finds out the house he wanted, I got it." JK immediately thinks of Jin with what Jimin just said. His heart wrenches but he doesn't acknowledge it. Although he bought it, he was happy it was in Jimin's name so that Jin wouldn't be able to make any connection to him. JK directs his driver to take Jimin home first then he heads home.


Jin was asleep when he was awakened by his phone ringing. "Hello." Jin says while trying to wake up. "Hey Jin, this is Taehyung. I'm outside knocking on the door. Are you home?" Jin jumps up and puts on his robe and house shoes. He forgets to fix his hair. "I'm here. I will let you in." Jin opens the door and he becomes lost in thought staring at how good Tae looks. He wasn't in a position to pay much attention to Tae before, but he is stunned as to how handsome Tae is. Tae too is staring at Jin and his messy bed hair. He thinks of how lucky JK must feel. "I'm sorry I must've overslept." "It okay. I'm glad you called me."

When Tae steps on an area of the living room's carpet, he can tell how much the water has soaked into the carpet. Jin leads him to the kitchen. Tae begin repairing the pipe, but he can't help but to watch Jin as Jin desperately tries to clean up the water. Tae thinks Jin is so cute trying to get up a floor full of water with a cloth towel and paper towels. He chuckles to himself. He finished repairing the pipe.

"Jin, I have a machine in my work truck that can get the water up off the floor and out of the carpet."   "No thanks. It's okay I already bothered you enough."   "Please allow me to do this, it's part of my job." Jin looks up at Tae and smiles. "Okay. That would be more helpful." Tae gets the machine, and he works in removing the water off the kitchen floor and out of the carpet. Jin had cooked lunch and Invites Tae to stay for all the trouble he created. Tae refuses but looking at Jin and his look of loneliness, Tae decides to have lunch. They are eating out on the patio.

"Where is Jungkook?" "Out at our condo." "Oh. It would've been nice to see him again. Last time I saw him was here, repairing the plumbing, was that around a year ago?" Jin looks up at Tae. He remembers JK mentioning being with Tae a month ago. But he answers Tae anyway. "Yeah. I think it was a year ago."  "I've been wondering what he has been up too." 'Me too now.' Jin thinks to himself, but replies, "I sure wish he was here also so you two can catch up."

"Jin, I must say, this food is very good. How can he stay away when you cook like this?" Jin blushes but catches himself. "I barely cook anymore, it's just me here often so I order out. Would you like some more Mr. Taehyung?" "Jin, you can call me Tae and yes I would love some more." After lunch, they talk about JK's high school days, but Tae can't help but notice Jin prolonging his stay. "Is everything okay Jin?"   "Yes, why you ask?"   "I know my friend is a busy man, but it must get lonely being here alone in this big ass house?" Jin hesitates but answers. "Yeah, it does. I'm sorry for keeping you here passed your time. I know you have other things to do."

Tae places his hands on Jin's hands. "Jin, it's okay. Being married to a businessman, especially one over a corporation, has its perks but it also comes with feeling empty. But I tell you what, I am not doing much. I would love to stop by sometimes and chill. JK wouldn't mind. I remember when he first started his business, he worried about leaving you alone while he went on trips. He used to ask me then to check on you, but he told me that you convinced him you would be find and didn't need anyone checking on you. So, now you have my number. Jin remembers JK saying he would ask a friend to check on Jin. Jin smiles. "I'm sure JK still don't mind but you sure you don't mind?" Jin asks. "No. I don't."

Jin blushes but this time he doesn't hide it. Tae looks at how cute Jin is being. But they both are interrupted by JK. Tae moves his hands from Jin's hands. JK notices it. JK walks over and kisses Jin on the cheek. Tae notices JK didn't kiss Jin on those pink soft plushy looking lips. But to Jin it has become the norm. "Tae, hey man, it's been a while. What like a year?" Jin looks up from being ashamed that JK saw Tae's hands on his hands and takes in JK saying it's been a year since he seen Tae. "Yeah. I was just telling your husband that. So how is business?" "Better. Everything is better than the day before." "That's good JK, I'm glad to hear it."

"You made lunch?" JK asks Jin.  "Yeah. I made it for Tae for helping me. The sink pipe burst, and water was everywhere, but thanks to Tae the pipe is repaired."    "Thanks Tae man, good looking out."   "No problem, glad I can help. I have to go now. I will see you two later." Tae leaves and JK looks at Jin. "I'm sorry for not picking up your call. It must have been frustrating to go through that."  "Yes, it was. It frustrates me more when I can't reach you. You are married Jungkook and keeping your phone on is paramount, anything can happen."   "Like Tae holding your hands when I walked in."    "He was offering me comfort?"   "Comfort for what?" JK is a little tense.  "He caught on to me prolonging his time. He was right. It does get lonely in this big ass house when you are not here. He understood that." Jin changes the subject. "Anyway, did you tell me last month you were with Tae in Busan and now you said it's been a year since you have seen him, what's the truth?"  


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