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Jin wakes up in the middle of the night sweating and has a headache. Tae hasn't come home. Jin takes some pain meds and cries himself back to sleep. It's 4am and Tae comes home, showers, and gets in the bed with Jin. Jin awakens and feels Tae's presence. Jin wants desperately to feel Tae inside him. He hopes the text he sent to Tae would make him anticipate having sex. Jin starts kissing on Tae, pecking him softly from his chest to his navel area while his warm breath caresses Tae's body. Jin lingers right above Tae's groin area, nipping and kissing on that area as he slowly makes his way downward. Tae is aroused. Jin stops and straddles Tae and begins riding him. They both climax and Tae wipes himself and turns from Jin and goes to sleep.

Jin notices that although Tae climax he didn't put much effort into their love making. Tae didn't dominate him as usual, didn't cuddle him, just turned his back to him. Tae knows he shouldn't have engaged in having sex with Jin because he was exhausted, and he wasn't going to be able to take care of Jin sexually.

Tae turned from Jin because he was too tired to go further with Jin, and he would just make it worst for Jin if he allowed Jin to push for more. Tae has gotten himself involved in the middle of two needy men, both products of JK's abandonment. At first, it all was intriguing, but now he has put too much of himself in it all. All and all, he would like to settle in with Jin, but he has never made a commitment and it scares him. Him being with Jimin helps him escape from that commitment.


It is 8am the next morning and Tae is gone. Jin calls him, but Tae doesn't answer. Jin is about to put the phone down and notices a message from JK. To his chagrin, he finds out that the enticing picture he sent to Tae went to JK instead. Jin phones JK. "JK, I didn't mean to send that to you. Jin is a little sad and embarrass. "I know Jin, but the mistake was received well. I can say your body is still perfect." Jin doesn't want to discuss his body with JK. "JK, you said we needed to talk. About what?" "Jaden. What do you mean you'll keep him every other weekend?" JK tone changes and Jin can tell JK is upset about Jaden. "I just think it will be better for Jaden to stay with you until we are able to work this out with my lawyers when we meet with my lawyers for our divorce." "Your divorce Jin. I'm not divorcing you. Now, back to Jaden. You are giving up so much time with Jaden. Think about him Jin." "I know JK, but you have seen it yourself. I'm not in the best state to care for Jaden like I should. You are stronger than I am. You aren't going through what I am going through."

JK wants to remind Jin that Jin did sleep with Tae before everything blew up, and that Jin maintains a relationship with Tae while he painfully watches, but he knows it would inflame Jin and he would get no where with Jin. "Jin, don't do this to Jaden just for the sake of Tae. Jaden needs you too Jin. If it's his screaming, he hasn't done that in a while. He is better Jin. You can damn me Jin all you want, just don't do that to Jaden, think of Jaden." "I am thinking of him JK. That's why I've made my decision. I'm in a relationship and my life has to be balanced somewhere." "Jaden is your life Jin. I cannot believe what I'm hearing. Jaden and I love you Jin but if you want freedom that much then enjoy your freedom." JK's heart screams as he pushes to give Jin up. He hangs up the phone and leaves early to pick up Jaden and Dizzie for therapy. Jin feels the sting of it all but have come to believe he is doing the right thing for Jaden and himself. He is in no position to be there for Jaden and Jaden ties him to JK, and he believe it would do his heart good if he's not reminded of JK and Jimin.


Two months passes and Jaden's screaming episodes has completely stopped and he no longer sees a therapist. JK stopped calling Jin because Jin stopped accepting his calls. Jin hasn't kept his promise of seeing Jaden every other weekend. JK was served with divorce papers but hasn't signed them. Jaden has grown detached from Jin, JK constantly tells Jaden that his Uncle Jin is not well and needs some time. JK constantly reminds Jaden that Jin still loves him, and Jaden has become satisfied with just hearing that. Jaden has enough stability with JK that he misses Jin, but he loves what he has with JK.

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