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Jin phones Tae who has not been home all day. He goes to Tae's house and slams his fist against the door several times while screaming Tae's name. The neighbors call security, and two security guards escort Jin back to his house because Jin is inebriated. After Jin is escorted home, he phones Tae, and this time Tae answers his phone. "So, that is what I have to do to get you to answer your phone, cause a scene at your house?"

"Jin, calm down baby. You can't just destroy property and try breaking and entering. They would've sent you to jail."   "I don't care. Where are you Tae? You are treating me just like JK did. Why aren't you home?"   "I told you Jin to never compare me to JK. I'm nothing like him. I'm on my way home." Tae hangs up the phone in Jin's face. Despite how angry Jin had been, he knows that Tae is upset with him and waits for him in the nude hoping to calm his anger. Tae walks in and notices that Jin is nude.

"Jin, I told you baby, you no longer have to do this to appease me."   "Why? Is it because I've lost weight and you don't find me attractive anymore? I'm not blind Tae, I can see I'm not what I used to be."   "That's true Jin. You have lost weight, but I still think you are sexy. It's just some nights I don't be in the mood for sex baby."   "Tae, you said you would never deny me sex but." "But what Jin? You have to find some way of dealing with your constant thirst for sex. You need to drink, masturbate, or do something that can help you."   "Masturbate? Are you serious Tae?" "Yes Jin. Come here and I'll show you." Tae goes through the exercise of showing Jin as though Jin doesn't know, but in his attempt, he is turned on by their actions and he and Jin have sex. It satisfies Jin and Tae is in disbelief in the amount of stamina he still has in dealing with Jin's sexual appetite.

The next morning Jin stands in the mirror and looks at how pale and thin he has gotten and sighs. He showers and goes out to lunch with Tae. Jin sees people he knows through JK and they greet him. He can see in their faces that they are shocked by his appearance. Tae soon leaves Jin and goes to work. Jin is about to leave when JK walks in with a business associate. Jin becomes nervous at seeing JK and drops the glass he has in his hand onto the floor. It causes everyone to turn to look at him including JK.

JK sees someone bend down to pick up whatever had fallen and then he sees the person fall. Jin had become dizzy. JK recognizes that it is Jin and runs to him. "Jin. Are you okay? Talk to me baby." Jin opens his eyes and sees JK. "JK, what are you doing. You can't, you can't, you'll be in trouble, there are papers."   "Shhh Jin. Someone, give me some water and an ice pack."   "The waiter quickly gives JK what he requested. "Jin, drink this. Come on baby just drink this." Jin drinks the water and JK picks him up and places him in a chair. Jin holds the ice pack to his head while JK talks to him.

"Jin, baby, did you eat anything today?" Jin didn't although he was out for brunch with Tae. "I didn't have an appetite."   "Jin can you please eat for me? That is why you fainted; You need to eat." JK turns to a waiter. "Bring me two plates of your seafood feast and more water."   "JK, I'm not hungry. I just want to go. I'm embarrassed."   "Okay Jin." JK quickly turns to the waiter before he leaves. "Can you make that to go please?" JK tells the waiter.  "Mr. Jeon, I see that you have to attend to your husband. I will reschedule our meeting." The business associate tells JK. "Thanks. I really appreciate your understanding. The associate smiles sorrowfully toward Jin and leaves.

The waiter quickly brings them four bags of to go boxes. JK helps Jin into his car and drives off. JK glances at Jin in the car and it is worse than what he saw on the phone. He wants to cry but he doesn't want to embarrass Jin any further. He pulls up at his house. "JK I shouldn't be here. If Tae finds out."   "You fainted today Jin. I don't give a damn about Tae. Your health is priority." Once in the house, JK get some of Jin's clothes that was left at the house and gives them to Jin so that he can change and get comfortable. JK washes Jin's face with a cool towel to calm him. He set up the food so that Jin can eat. "I'm not a child JK, I can feed myself, and I said I'm not hungry." JK ignores Jin and keep trying to feed Jin. Jin stop resisting after he realizes that JK is not hearing anything that he has said and JK is determined. "Are you going to eat with me JK?" Jin decides to ask. "If you promise to eat all that is on your plate." Jin looks at his plate and looks at JK and nods. JK starts eating and Jin does as promised and eats also. Jin had forgotten how most food taste because his food has been whatever alcohol he could find to consume.

JK makes Jin a non-alcoholic Pina Colada. Jin frowns at it but drinks it. Jin becomes tired and falls asleep. JK leaves to pick up Jaden. "I have a surprise for you in the house." "What is it Uncle JK?"   "It's a surprise. Close your eyes." JK opens the door and carries Jaden upstairs to where Jin is asleep. JK whispers in Jaden's ear. "Now you can open your eyes." Jaden eyes widens as he sees Jin. "Uncle Jin!!!!!" Jin opens his eyes to a sound he hasn't realized before that he missed so much. He quickly sits up as Jaden jumps on the bed and embraces Jin. "I miss you Uncle Jin."   "I miss you too Jaden." JK watches as Jaden talks Jin's ears off. "Okay Jaden, let Uncle JK talk to Uncle Jin. I made you and Dizzie some snacks, it's in your room." Jaden picks up Dizzie and goes to his room. He wants to eat fast so he can go back into the room with Jin.

Jin, today at the restaurant, I was to have lunch with a business associate whose wife is a therapist. She is the best. He called me while I was picking up Jaden. He had told her what he seen today, and she is willing to help you. That's if you want it."  "JK, why are you trying to help me. I'm no longer your concern. I know I am in a certain way, but it's nothing to worry about, I'm adjusting and it's just taking me longer that's all. I did feel a little concern though as to whether Jaden would recognize me." Jin tries to smile. "Jin, I will say it until it registers within you, I love you and I will always be concern about you. That's why I wanted you to eat, and Jaden doesn't care about your appearance because he loves you. We see you with our hearts and we only care about you being healthy.

"Anyway, I can't see a therapist right now JK. I am alright and I don't want to waste her time. Even if I wanted to, I can't afford her, especially since I have taken my name off of everything and signed things over to you. Besides, I'm not ready to open up about my life especially to a stranger. I won't."    "Jin, I will pay for everything, and if you need me to be there, I will be there at every session. Part of your downfall is because of me. I'm willing to work on this with you but Jin you have to make the first step. I will be there beside you. Please Jin, you need help"   "I know I need help JK, but." JK quickly interjects to stop Jin from speaking doubt. "Jin, I stay up a lot at night and can hardly work wondering will my phone ring and someone on the other end tells me that you have OD'd on meds, drowned your lungs in alcohol, or maybe killed yourself or someone while driving drunk. You don't know how much it hurts to know that there is a possibility that when the phone rings, it could be about you and my life will suffer the horrendous pain of losing you. With you living this way, the chances increases that that call is just one phone call away. Please Jin, if not for you or me, do it for Jaden. Please Jin gets some help"

Jin becomes silent when he sees JK crying and begging him to get help. "You stay up worrying about me?"   "Every damn night Jin."   "But Tae, JK. I can't do this behind his back. It's not right." "You are not cheating on Tae, Jin, you are getting yourself some help. If he doesn't want that for you Jin, then ask yourself what does he want?"  "I'm fine now JK. I need to get back to my car. I need to get home." JK calls his personal driver to take Jin to his car at the restaurant. Jin arrives home and Tae isn't there. He soaks in the tub and drinks his wine.

Jin phone buzzes. It's a text from JK. "Even if you are not with me. I still want you back to being the healthy and vibrant Jin I remember. Here is the therapist information." JK adds the information to the bottom of his text to Jin. Jin saves the name and number and deletes the message before Tae sees it. He walks in the living room and goes through his mail. He reads a letter from his attorneys about an action he is filing to seize the car and house from Jimin, if he can prove it was bought with certain assets while he and JK were married. Jin filled out the attached paperwork and placed it beside his divorce papers that he has yet to return to his attorneys. He falls asleep on the sofa thinking about JK and the thought is void of the pain of the past.


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