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Jin, in a distressed state, pulls out his pain medication, stuffs as much of them as possible into his mouth, and swallows them down with alcohol. Jin, before he swallowed the pills,  had dropped the phone and it landed upright facing Jin, and through the sheer intervention of fate, he had accidentally video called JK.  JK panics from what he sees. He calls the emergency line and leaves work rushing to Jin's place.

He makes it there as the paramedics are putting Jin on a stretcher.  He runs to Jin so he can hold Jin's hand. Jin is calling for his deceased mother. "Jin I'm here. It's me JK. Baby I'm here." Jin then, upon hearing JK's voice, calls JK's name. They make it to the hospital and Jin is treated including his stomach being pumped. He is admitted in the hospital and JK uses his position in keeping the doctor from filing an attempted suicide report and from them seeking a mandatory psychic evaluation.

The doctor treating Jin tells JK  that if Jin hadn't accidentally called him,  Jin's situation would have been dire. JK procures a VIP room for Jin to stay in for overnight observation. JK calls Tae's sister and explains the situation.  He asks her if she would pick up Jaden and take care of Jaden as he stays with Jin. She agrees telling him not to worry and that she will be there for them if anything else is needed.



When Tae left Jin's place and went over to Jimin's house, he was still upset with Jin seemingly to be more focused on Jimin than divorcing JK. Tae, being upset, casually mentioned to Jimin that Jin is seeking to take back the car and the house Jungkook gave him. Jimin purposely, on Tae's phone, video recorded him and Tae having sex, unbeknownst to Tae. Jimin then sent the video to Jin's phone after Tae fell asleep.   


The Present:

Jin, lying in bed in his hospital room, feels a wealth of emotions.  He stares at the white tiled ceiling. Jin is weak and feels some discomfort with the procedures he's been through. JK walks into Jin's room. Jin hears the sound of a door opening and turns his head toward the door.  He watches JK as JK approaches his bed. JK smiles and reaches out his hands to grasps Jin's hand. Jin smiles weakly and with his throat being sore, speaks in a whisper.  "JK."    "Hey Jin. Baby you scared me today. I have never been so afraid." Jin looks into JK's eyes and sees their hurt, along with JK's regrets, and love.    "I'm sorry JK.  Forgive me." Jin manages to say.   "Jin, I'm the one that need forgiven, you are here because of me." Jin remembers JK telling him before that he was afraid that he would get a call about Jin overdosing. Jin shakes his head only and doesn't want to say anything more. Jin knows that he has hit rock bottom, and it has jarred him into a state of realization.  He knows he must face truths in his life and he, now, no longer feel the destructive needs that once plagued him.  

"Are you hungry?" JK asks Jin.   "I can get them to bring you something to eat, or I can send my driver to pick up our fave."  Jin shakes his head and motions toward his throat and places his hand on his stomach. JK nods in understanding.  JK settles in a chair next to Jin's bed. Jin stares into JK's eyes and strains to speak. "I'm ready JK. I'm so tired. Will you do this with me." JK holds Jin's hands and kisses his forehead. "Yes Jin I promised you I would. I love you."    "I know JK." Jin, despite all his misery, hadn't stopped feeling love for JK, but he doesn't confess it.

The next day, the doctor informs Jin that he is being released and can go home. The doctor let them know that the medicines Jin took were low grade pain meds, and they flushed his system of the meds. The doctor also let them know that those meds with alcohol could've been fatal if he'd consumed more are if they would have been able to absorb more into his system.

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