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Jaden goes to his room to play games. JK is about to talk to Jin concerning Jaden when Tae comes out into the room. JK ignores Tae, mainly because of what happened earlier in his office. "Jin I have to go.  I have late work.  I will see you later okay baby."  Tae says to Jin.  "Okay, I will see you when you get back."  Tae kisses Jin's lips, looks at JK, and walks out the door.  Jin rolls his eyes in knowing the reason Tae kissed him, and JK clenches his jaw.

"This is the second time Jin. You know if you do this again, they will band you from."  Jin interrupts JK.   "I know JK. Did my lawyers reach out to you?"    "Yes."   "Well?"   "I'm not divorcing you Jin."     "I'm not trying to take your money JK or anything. Can't you see we both are living different lives now. I'm with Tae and you are with Jimin. I have my own house and you have yours.   You can keep Jaden and I will visit him daily."    "You want me to keep Jaden, your sister's child?  Why not you Jin?" Jin heads is beginning to hurt.  He answer haphazardly.    "Because I'm not stable emotionally yet, and you seem to be. I will get there but right now, because of you,  I stay depressed.   I'm sure you will acknowledge my drinking and dependent on other things to cope." Jin looks toward the door where Tae exited.  "JK, I left him at school twice. You have to admit that I'm not thinking clearly right now. At least, I'm admitting to that much."  JK thinks that Jin is using the reasons as a convenient crutch in his newfound addiction.

"Jin, if I have to say it forever, I'm so sorry for my part in all this. It's because of me that you are this way.  You can continue to blame everything on me, but Jaden needs his family, and we are his family."    "We will still be his family JK, just not in the same household. Why are you trying to make our broken marriage work, huh? You just had your cock in Jimin today. Let's face it, it's over."    "I still want you Jin.  It doesn't matter about Tae, and  I don't care about Jimin. I still love you.  I messed over you and our marriage when I messed with Jimin, at least, I'm admitting to that much. I don't love Jimin and I know you don't love Tae." Jin hisses at JK. "You had sex with Jimin today JK, not last week, not last month but today. Every time, I think about us I see you and Jimin making a fool out of me."  Jin waves his hands in dismissing JK.   "You can see that I am with Tae now. Stop talking out your ass about love. It means nothing to you or me. "  Jin is agitated.  "Don't worry about it, I will take Jaden to school.  In that way, he won't be a burden on you and Jimin."    "For real Jin, at first you were too out of it to keep Jaden and now you are able to keep him, just like that." JK shakes his head and looks at Jin now noticing that Jin looks sick.

"I will take him Jin you don't look well."     "JK, please. Just go, I'm fine. I will have Jaden call you before he goes to sleep." JK hesitates. "I will feed and bathe Jaden while you go rest and when you wake up Jin, I will leave. You don't look like you can handle Jaden right now."   "No, JK. Get out." Suddenly, Jin grabs his head and sits on the sofa. JK looks at Jin. "Where is your pain medication?" Jin is in too much pain to argue anymore. He points to the kitchen. JK goes to the kitchen and sees the kitchen unkempt. He grabs the pain pills and a glass of water and gives it to Jin. Jin begins sweating. JK helps Jin upstairs to Jin's bedroom and sees wine bottles everywhere.

He takes Jin to another bedroom, undresses Jin, and puts him to bed. He goes and plays games with Jaden and Dizzy. He then goes to the kitchen and cleans it and cooks dinner. He and Jaden eat and JK bathes Jaden and Jaden goes to bed. JK makes milk tea for Jin and warms food for him. Jin comes to the kitchen. "I hope you don't think I owe you anything."   "Jin just be quiet for a minute. Here drink this and eat." Jin relinquishes and he is appreciative. "Okay." Jin follows JK's commands and drinks his milk tea and eats. JK smiles. He wants everything back as it was before he got involved with Jimin.  

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