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"Mr. Sade, this is my lovely husband, SeokJin, the owner of this restaurant that your wife continues to brag about."    "Mr. SeokJin, it's an honor to meet you.  My wife will be upset that she was unable to meet the owner of ShiHi."    "Thank you Mr. Sade, it's very nice meeting you and tell your wife next time she dines here, please ask for me, if I am here, I would love to meet her."     "Thank you, I will tell her.  Also, may I say that it's not very often that one runs into a handsome man such as yourself Mr. SeokJin. You are a lucky man Mr. Jeon." Jin blushes. "Thanks, and yes I'm very lucky." JK responds and kisses Jin's lips. "Well, it is nice to meet you Mr. Sade and I appreciate you choosing to dine at my restaurant. I will see you later Jungkook."

Jungkook pulls Jin into him and again kisses Jin on the lips. Jin smiles at JK and leaves. He knows JK is jealous due to his business associate commenting about him and the fact that he was dining with Tae.  Jin makes it home and prepares for the meeting with the adoption agency.


When JK returns to his office, he starts thinking about Tae and Jin but Jimin walking into his office, disrupts his train of thought.   "JK, can we spend tonight at our house?"    "Jimin, I have the adoption agency meeting tonight.  Last time I missed it and it hurt Jaden and Jin. I really want Jaden with me and Jin."     "What about after the meeting. I really want us to be together tonight JK.  I'll make it worth you being there, please."   "Jimin, if we bring Jaden home tonight, I need for him to get settled and Jin and I together need to talk with him. How about tomorrow?"   "No, tonight.  Do what you must do and meet me tonight."   Jimin pouts and JK changes his tune.  "Its two o'clock now, how about you leave now, and I will be an hour behind you and meet you there. That way we can make love in the new house before I need to leave for the agency meeting." Jimin smiles at the victory,  "You sure you're coming?"     "Yes. Now leave before the office start spreading rumors about our closed-door meetings." Jimin quickly leaves. JK smiles at Jimin as he walks out his office. He hates when Jimin pouts, so he gives in to Jimin's demands.

JK arrives at the new house and Jimin greets him with nothing on. JK looks around the house and is amazed by Jin interior design skills. Jimin and JK drinks wine and within minutes JK and Jimin is having sex in their room.  After the second round JK, not realizing how tired he is, falls asleep.  Jimin goes downstairs to get some more wine as he marvels at his new house. JK's phone rings and Jimin sees that it is Jin.  He slyly smirks and put the phone on silent.


"JK, where are you its 5:30, I can't wait any longer. Just meet me there. Please call me when you get this message. Don't do this again to Jaden." Jin hangs up the phone after leaving the fifteenth messages for JK. He walks into the agency and meets Mrs. Soo. "Hello Mr. Kim-Jeon. Will Mr. Jeon be joining us today?" Jin looks at his watch and back at Mrs. Soo. "I'm sorry for wasting your time. I just thought this time he would show up. Can you kiss Jaden and tell him I tried, that I'm sorry?" Jin is crying. "Don't cry Mr. Kim-Jeon, I happen to have good news for you. The board just really asked for you to be present. It's rare, but with Mr. Jeon on record as not attending before, two of the board members vouched for Mr. Jeon, sort of like they stood in his stead, and they granted you guardianship of Jaden." "What? Does that mean, wait?" Jin couldn't contain his excitement. "Yes Jin, Jaden is going home with you and Jungkook. Congratulations. Come on you have to speak with the board members and sign legal documents."   "Thanks, let me get myself together." Jin spoke with the board members and signed papers and took copies for Jungkook to sign. One of the board members was Mr. Sade. Jin waits in the waiting room for Jaden. Jaden walks out and runs to Jin and hugs Jin. They both cry.

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