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"Mr. Jeon this is Mrs. Hoa at HangHi Children Academy."   "Yes. Is there something wrong?"   "We were calling to inform you that Jaden is still here at school and we haven't been able to get in touch with Mr. Kim-Jeon. He informed us that he will pick Jaden up today."   "Okay. Ummm. Okay I'm on my way."   "Thank You. Mr. Jeon." JK leaves for Jaden's school, and he is worried about Jin. He phones Jin multiple times and Jin doesn't answer.  He arrives at the school.

"Uncle JK!"   "Hey buddy. Are you ready to go?"   "Yes, Uncle JK, I'm tired."    "Okay Jaden. Thank you Mrs. Hoa." JK and Jaden arrives back home with JK. JK cooks dinner while Jaden take a nap. JK continues trying to call Jin. Afterwards, Jaden and JK eats dinner.

"Jaden are you finished?"    "Yes, uncle JK. But I don't know if Dizzie ate today."    "I'm sure Uncle Jin fed her."    "Where is Uncle Jin? He said he was going to pick me up. Me being bad made Uncle Jin leave me?"   "No Jaden. Please don't think that way. Uncle Jin is running behind schedule at work."   "Okay Uncle JK." JK becomes increasingly worried about Jin. He still is not answering his phone and not knowing where he stays is making JK panic a little. 

"Jaden, do you know where you are staying now?"   "Sure, Uncle JK, are you taking me to Uncle Jin?"    "Yes. I am sure Dizzie misses you and we need to check on Uncle Jin."   "I remember 5634 Langhi Oates Estate, I had to remember it and repeat it over and over again at school today." "Okay, let's go see Dizzie and Uncle Jin." They leave after telling JK's driver were to go. They arrive at the estates' gate."   "How may I help you sir."   The guard posted at the gate asked. "Ummm, SeokJin Kim-Jeon's resident."

JK watches as the guard searches for Jin's name. "We don't have anyone here listed as SeokJin Kim-Jeon." JK looks at Jaden. "Are you sure this is the place?"   "Yes, Uncle JK." The guard sees Jaden and recognizes him from yesterday when Jin forgot the code, and had to call Hoseok to get in. He played with Jaden while Jin phoned Hoseok.  "Hey Jaden, nice to see you again friend."    "Hey Mr. Chan. We can't find the code again. Uncle JK is new here too."

"Yeah, now I remember SeokJin from yesterday, but didn't quite catch his name. But let me check the no visitation list on that address." JK waits and the security looks at JK. "Come on in but can you inform Mr. SeokJin that he will need to register his name."    "Yes. I sure will." JK smiles. "Thank you sir." The guard let them in. They arrive at the house and JK see Jin's car. He knocks on the door twice and Jin shows up at the door in a drunken state. His robe is open, and he is nude. He has a glass of liquor in his hands and tries to talk but keeps laughing. JK becomes upset at Jin. Jin moves aside letting Jaden and JK in and closes his robe. Jaden hugs Jin leg.   "I miss you uncle Jin."

Jin looks down at Jaden whose grip on his leg and the fact that he is drunk almost causes him to fall. Jin is too drunk and can hardly stand up. "Hello I missed too." Jin laughs at his words. JK looks at Jin and squats down facing Jaden. "Go check on Dizzie,  I bet she misses you too." Jaden runs upstairs to his room. JK is about to turn to Jin but Tae coming out of a room catches his attention. "Jin who was that at?" Tae stop talking when he realizes it is JK.

JK looks at Jin and back at Tae. "I will let you two talk." Tae says knowing he is in an awkward place but doesn't feel he need to explain anything or make any excuses to JK. "Tae, stay; this is my house. JK is the one who should allow us our privacy." JK is hurting with Tae there but he can't do anything about it. He try to dismiss Tae from his thoughts although Tae is still in the room. "So, you forgot to pick up Jaden because you were getting fucked and drunk?" "That's funny JK I should had wondered the same thing about you. How did you find out where I stay anyway? You can find this house, but you couldn't find the one we stayed in when you needed to come home."  Jin anger has brought him some sobriety.

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