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Jin is awakened by his cell phone ringing. He sees that Tae is not in the room. "Hello." "Are you still in the bed Jin? It's 10am." "Tae, where are you? Why didn't you wake me up?" "I had to be somewhere. Besides, I thought you needed to sleep through your hangover." Tae laughs. "Anyway, it's Sunday Jin, you shouldn't sleep too late. My sister is bringing Aya over. Call JK to bring Jaden for a playdate, and Jin tell JK to drop him off only." Tae stresses the word 'only' in which Jin doesn't hear because of his anxiety. "Tae, I'm not comfortable yet watching Aya outside of your presence. Are you coming back?" "Yes, you will just be watching her for a little while. I will come later okay?" Jin doesn't fight the issue. "Okay Tae, just come as soon as you can."

They hang up and Jin calls JK and Jaden answers the phone. "Hey Uncle Jin." "Hey Jaden. Put me on video so I can see you." Jaden does so. "Uncle JK is taking me to the circus and the amusement park today." "Sounds like fun but would you rather come home and play with Aya and show her all your new games?" "No, Uncle JK promised. Don't make him break his promise." Jin smiles at Jaden despite the fact that that is what he is going to try and do. "Where is Uncle JK?" "Hold on Uncle Jin. Uncle JK, its Uncle Jin!" Jaden says in a loud voice.

Jaden goes into JK's bathroom where JK is in the shower and places the phone on the bathroom counter slanting it against the surrounding mirror. Jaden runs back to his room to finish eating his cookies. JK steps out of the shower and is not aware of the phone being on video call. Jin salivates at what he sees. JK's defined abs, his muscular build, and his big thick cock barely resting on his balls. It looks as if it's in a hardened posture but is not hard. Jin doesn't want JK to notice the phone because he is taking in the view. Jin unknowingly bites his lips as he watches JK reach for a towel while picking up the phone. The sight of JK has clouded Jin's thoughts regarding JK's betrayal. JK's betrayal is always in the forefront of Jin's mind, but at that moment, the only thoughts that are prevailing in Jin's mind are of the times that he and JK made love.

"Good Afternoon Jin." "Huh?" JK smiles because he realizes Jin was watching his body and still seems to find pleasure in it. "I said Good Afternoon Jin." "Oh yeah. Same." "What's the reason for the call?" "I was calling to ask you to cancel plans with Jaden. Tae's niece is coming over for a playdate." JK's facial expression changes. "I promised him Jin. You know this will upset him." "I know, but he is having a playdate today. Just cancel what you have planned JK." "I'm not breaking my promise. He is looking forward to this. I will bring him by later." JK watches as Jin goes to open the door and is talking to Tae's sister. Jin turns back to the phone. "She is here JK. Just bring Jaden. You had him yesterday. You could've done all those things with him yesterday. Just tell him what you have to tell him, he will understand. Just bring him now." Jin demands as he looks frustrated.

"Wait you are frustrated with me but not at Tae who ditched you and Jaden on yesterday. Really Jin?" JK puts the phone down to dry off and puts on a t-shirt and boxers. Jin felt lust, but now their arguing brings Jimin back to the forefront of his mind. Doubtless of that, Jin knows JK is right. Had they had their playdate yesterday as planned then Jin wouldn't be stuck watching Aya and trying to convince JK to bring Jaden back. Jin also knows he is frustrated with Tae but taking it out on JK. JK picks back up the phone. "JK please just do this for me." JK looks at Jin and smiles at how beautiful Jin still looks with his pleading eyes. He reconsiders. "Okay beautiful. I will bring him." Jin hangs up the phone but not before JK sees him blush. JK puts the phone down and says to himself. "One day at a time JK." Although Jin is still battling with the thoughts of JK and Jimin, he is becoming more cordial with JK.

JK tells Jaden about rescheduling their plans, Jaden is upset and doesn't speak to JK on their way to Jin's house. JK feels terrible but he decides it's necessary to do as Jin wants. They make it to Jin's house. JK takes Jaden to the door and Jin opens it. Dizzie wags his tail with excitement. JK tries to hug Jaden but he is still upset and steps away from JK. Jin notices and feels bad. Jin invites JK into the house to try and help rectify the matter. Jaden and Aya goes to Jaden's room and Jin looks at JK. "I'm sorry, I should've." JK interrupts. "It's okay Jin, kids takes promises seriously and they feel hurt when promises are broken, but they will rebound because they are resilience. And you also have a say in his daily life. I shouldn't have made plans without consulting you and I'm sorry. I hope his mood changes in time for him to enjoy his playdate." Jin is stunned at JK's apology and it tugs at his heart. Jin phone rings. Its Tae.

"Give me one second JK." Jin walks away and answers his phone. "Did she come yet?" Tae asks Jin. "Yes. Would you like to speak to her and let her know what time you will be coming so that she doesn't feel awkward without you." "No. I don't want to promise her a time then break that promise." "What? Tae you said that you will be here later. Did that change?" "Yeah. That's why I called too. I probably will be in around midnight or after." "So basically tomorrow? Tae, why are you doing this?" "Jin, baby, stop fussing. You know I would spend my whole day with you. You remember when I had a job lined up, but I canceled the job just to feel your warmth beneath me. You know spending time with you is precious to me. Don't act like this, especially while work has picked up a lot for me. I am managing things as best I can."

Jin begins to feel sorry for being selfish. "Okay Tae. It's just that I looked forward to all of us being together. I'll take you at your word, you did come back last night like you said you would." "See baby I'm not JK, at least I'm coming home. You must stop treating me like I'm him. Who knows what he is out doing now, he probably somewhere breaking his promise to Jaden, just to lay up with Jimin." Jin flinches at the mentioning of Jimin, then turns to look at JK who is playing with Dizzie. Instead of feeling a rage, Jin's heart somehow feels a warmth. "Okay Tae. I will see you later."

They hang up and Jin walks to JK. "Is everything okay Jin?" "No. But what's new." JK knows that look on Jin's face all too well. It's the look Jin used to give him when he broke promises made to him. "Jin. I'm sorry." "It's okay JK." Jin says not wanting to discuss the situation with its attached irony. Jin cleared his throat. "I'm not doing anything today, why don't we take the kids to the amusement park and the circus. We can take Dizzie to doggy care. That way you get to keep your promise to Jaden and maybe I can cool my uneasiness about watching Aya by myself." "If that's what you want Jin." "Yeah. I'll get dress and you can tell the kids." JK is glad that it is one of Jin's days that he hasn't taken to drinking.

They leave and arrive at the circus. JK watches as Jin inner child match well with Jaden and Aya. He misses seeing Jin laugh and talk as if he has no worries. After the circus, they go to the amusement park and Jin watches as JK takes Jaden and Aya on several rides. He loves how JK shows no indifference to Aya unlike Tae who shows more attention to Aya when they have a playdate. They are in the car and JK watches the kids sleeping through his rearview mirror. He looks over at Jin who is almost asleep. "Are you hungry Jin?" "We ate so much junk, I don't think any of us are hungry." "Yeah, but Jaden still needs to balance his meals." Jin looks at JK with adoration in his eyes, forgetting for a moment. "Okay JK. What place did you have in mind? Remember it needs to be somewhere that is kid-friendly." "I remember. Just get you some rest, and I'll wake you up when we get there."

Jin nestles back into the seat of the car until he is awakened by JK. Jin tries to focus in looking for a building designating what restaurant JK ended up at. "JK, we're at the house." "I know. I want to cook dinner for us. I heard the place is kid-friendly." Jin laughs and helps JK bring the kids and Dizzie into the house. Jin takes note that at that very moment, he just feel a numbness. Maybe with no longer having an expectation of JK, and with them having Jaden, he can breathe around JK, but although Jin feels numb, he stills find himself wanting to have a drink.


Thanks for hanging in here with me.

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