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Months have passed, Jaden is in therapy, and Jin and Tae are off and on. JK and Jin have been constant participants in Jaden's therapy. Jaden still has screaming episodes but not as frequent as before.  Dizzie is being trained as a therapy dog to help Jaden and Jaden spends most nights with JK, because Jin still drinks excessively. Jin spends the majority of days per week in a drunken state.  Due to Jin's detachment from everything, JK has taken temporary control of Jin's restaurant to keep it afloat and from losing its 5-star rating.  JK has suffers a little in his own business after the display in his office with Jimin. Jimin is no longer working for JK, and still has the house, car, and other expensive items JK has given him.  Jimin still pursues JK but JK has rejected any efforts Jimin has made in being with him.  JK's focus is on keeping the promise he made to Jaden about them being a family. JK struggles with Jin's and Tae's relationship, but still loves and wants Jin despite how things have turned out. JK resolves that he played a major part in the failure of his marriage and has taken responsibility for his part and is  starting to work on self.  JK is determined to change things between him and Jin despite Jin's insistence on wanting a divorce and Tae being in the picture.  JK believes that if he had been where he was supposed to have been, he and Jin would still be together.  


Jin and Tae are out for lunch and Jin notices Jimin sitting at a table across from them. "Of all the people I could've seen today, my luck would have it be Jimin." Tae turns to see Jimin. "I don't blame JK though." Jin is struck with a pain that Tae could be heartless in hurting him with his statement. "What? You are trying to say that JK was justified in hurting me? And are you seriously checking him out while I'm here? What you mean you don't blame JK?"

Tae realizes what he said and sees the anger mixed with hurt in Jin's face. "I mean I can see the flirtatiousness that person has and with someone like JK I can see his weakness drawing him to that type temptation. Stop being insecure Jin. He has a deceptive sex-appeal for JK I suppose. I can see why JK was infatuated. It's not to say you aren't sexy as hell yourself." Jin seems to think Tae sees Jimin for what he is and is sympathetic.  Jin blushes at Tae's ending words while looking at him.    

"I have to go meet JK so we can meet with Jaden's therapist. I will see you later at home."    "You sure you are seeing Jaden therapist not JK? Because the kid still screams. Wouldn't he have been helped by now if he has a therapist?"   "Don't be insecure Tae. I can see why you think I will be infatuated with JK. But it's not to say I'm not infatuated with you too." Jin gives a nod to Tae's prior statement about Jimin. Tae looks at Jin and hits his butt when he stands up. "Well played baby. I will see you back at home." They kiss. And Jimin notices. Jimin turns his head and continues eating, and after Jin leaves, Tae walks over to Jimin's table and sat down.

"May I help you?" Jimin asks being surprised by Tae.   "Jimin right?"   "Yes, and you are?" Jimin replies and asks.  "V."  Tae answers.    "V as in?"     "Just V."    "So, what do you want? Weren't you just sitting with Jin?"   "Yes, but I'm sitting here now and talking to you, is that a problem?" Jimin looks at how handsome and tempting Tae looks and indulges him. Perhaps this is something Jimin can use in getting JK back. JK has shut him completely out of his life. "Look if this is some sort of game you and Jin are playing, I don't have time for the bullshit."    "Game? Like the one you executed so well, having an affair with your best friend's husband, driving an expensive car, and living in a mansion Jin's husband paid for. That Game?"

"Well V, since you are well versed on me, tell me something about you. Like what is your game in sleeping with a married man?"  Jimin inquires as to the kiss between Jin and Tae.  "I, like you, enjoy the pleasure of having the advantage over someone." Jimin looks at Tae and smiles. "So, am I right in concluding that you and JK are friends?"   "Yes, we were in a sense, but enough about them and their marriage problems. I'm more into getting to know you."    "There isn't much more to know except my phone number."   "Thank you Jimin for getting my point."  Jimin and Tae exchange numbers and Tae leaves.

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