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Jin wakes up and looks at his phone and there are no messages or missed calls from Tae. He goes by Tae house and he is not there. He goes back home, calls Tae, and Tae answers. "Where the hell are you Tae?"    "Jin, I'm on my way home. It was too late to try and come home so I stayed over one of the boys' house."  Tae meaning of one of the boys' is Jimin. "Don't fucking lie Tae. Who is he?"    "Jin, please don't start this bull this early in the morning. The he is only you. I'm pulling in the driveway now." Tae hangs up and walks in and Jin is upset. He pulls Jin into his body and starts kissing him. "Look at you getting yourself worked up for nothing. Although I think angry Jin is the sexiest."

Jin looks at Tae and sees no passion marks, he doesn't smell like he just showered to hide a scent and he doesn't look worn out. "I'm sorry if I'm acting crazy."    "It's okay Jin. I have to shower. Can you make us breakfast?" Jin looks at Tae as he takes off his shirt and pulls him closer and kisses him. Jin cooks breakfast and waits for Tae to come down. Moments later, Tae comes to the kitchen and is angry. "You were with JK yesterday!" "Yeah. We took the kids to the circus, amusement park, and to the house for supper. I told you how I felt about being with Aya alone. What's the big deal Tae?" Jin can understand Tae being upset but nothing happened. "I just got off the phone with my niece and all she can talk about is how much fun she had with Uncle JK. You have my niece calling him Uncle JK!"   "No. I explained to her the difference in Uncle Tae and Uncle JK. She is a kid. She is just repeating the name Jaden calls him."   "You took my niece around him, didn't think to tell me or my sister about this and then you had the nerve to act like you was mad with me for not coming home.  I'm the one that should be mad, not you."   "I'm sorry Tae. I should've called you and your sister. I just thought that since she would be with me that it would be okay."

"Jin, is this my house too?"   "What do you mean?"    "Do you remember saying that this is just like my home, right?"    "Yes Tae, I remember, but where are you going with this?"    "JK is not allowed back into my home. If we are together then it's time that we set boundaries in here.  You and JK can figure out whatever you need to do about Jaden. Can't you see Jin, what JK is doing? He is acting like he cares now because he lost you to me. JK never could stand losing to me. So, this is his way of trying to prove his point by pulling you back in. This the same JK who just not too long ago, was caught by you in his office having sex with Jimin. You think he really wants you Jin. I've been here for you through all this, and you treat me like I don't matter."

Jin is thinking, 'Tae is only reminding me of Jimin to try and help me remember that I can't trust JK, but do he understand that every time I remember, it's feels like a dagger being pushed into my heart over and over again.' Jin refrains from crying out and tries to ease the tension in his heart and in the room. "Tae, of course you matter, but keeping JK from coming over with us sharing custody of Jaden is a bit too much. I know who JK is, but he never tried anything with me. He put me into a bed to sleep and didn't touch me sexually, he slept with Jaden and didn't try to sleep with me, and when he made dinner last night, he didn't once try and take advantage of me. JK hasn't touch me at all, and you know who else hasn't touched me, you Tae. So, this back and forth of who is winning between you and JK is mute. It's hard for me to tell the difference."

Tae stiffens and becomes angrier. "Jin, JK is not welcome in this house, you are not to go to his house, and the phone calls concerning Jaden will be scheduled. You two need to come up with a set schedule as to what days of the week you will have Jaden. We are together Jin start acting like it. I have to go."   "Tae, what? You just got here. I made breakfasts like you said."   "Jin, I will be at my house. I need time alone. You really pissed me off."  Jin is hurt as to Tae walking out on him and begins to cry. 'Am I not enough? Is there something wrong with me? Am I inadequate that I couldn't stop the two most important people in my life from betraying me? Can't keep Tae happy?  I need him although I don't know what I feel for him.  Is it my inadequacies that has started pushing him away? Maybe if I would have been different, JK would not have sought out Jimin. What can I do to stop people from turning away from me?' Jin goes and grabs a bottle of vodka and begins drinking. Jin cries, negative emotions are not being dissuaded by the vodka. He gets up and tries to find something harder to drink. He is losing touch with reality and what are really his true feelings.

Jin gets drunk and takes a tempting nude picture of himself to send to Tae, but accidentally sends it to JK with a message. "Okay Tae. JK not to come here, I won't there. Ever other wkend for Jaden, and no more calls from JK, come home." JK is working when his phone buzzes. He looks and sees Jin's nudeness and an opened bottle of vodka besides him. He read the text, JK is hurt, and believes his efforts have been futile, but he doesn't react in a hurtful manner. He remembers that he told Jin for better or worse. JK responds. "Jin your body is so perfect but I'm not Tae. When you pull yourself together, we need to talk about your text."

JK puts the phone down and thinks about Jin and how bad he has gotten. He leaves to pick up Jaden and takes him to his therapy section. Afterward, JK and Jaden goes home and JK is happy that Jaden is too tired to want to see or talk to Jin. He bathes Jaden and puts Jaden to bed. JK hears a knock on the door and the door is being opened. JK goes downstairs. "Jimin, what the hell are you doing here? and how did you get in here?" "I still have the keys. We need to talk JK." "Talk about what? There is nothing to talk about." JK takes the keys from Jimin. "Please JK." JK looks at Jimin and they walk to the living room and sit.

"JK, you stop accepting my calls and basically act like I don't exist. Is there someone else? I mean, I ask because I have seen Jin with his new man, what about you?"   "That's none of your business.  Jimin, why are you here?"    "JK, I want to help you remember who I am to you." Jimin stands up, opens his coat, and let it fall to the floor exposing his nude body. JK looks at Jimin and so much has changed within him in not desiring Jimin. "Still sexy I see but may I ask who the new guy is?"   "What are you talking about?"   "The passion marks on your inner thigh and legs. It seems whoever he is, he feels passionate about you. Why don't you try making it work with him instead of standing here nude and getting no reaction from me?"

Jimin disregard JK noticing the marks. His mission is to get JK back.  "So, you don't miss this JK? Jimin turns and bends over and exposes his tight but pretty hole to JK.  JK stands up, grabs Jimin's coat, and give it to him. "Get the fuck out Jimin now!"   "JK you are pathetic. Jin is getting fucked by Tae's big thick cock daily and you're sitting here doing what, masturbating?"  A thought rears itself in JK's mind. "So, the passion marks come from Tae. It actually makes sense with how you want everything that belongs to Jin.  Bye Jimin." Jimin tries to stay but is left with no choice but to leave.  JK feel hurt for Jin, but for him, he feels nothing by Jimin moving on. He knows Jimin's angle with Tae. First him and now Tae is sleeping with Jimin. He thinks about calling Jin, but he thinks better. Jin finding out about Tae and Jimin will push Jin further into depression, and Jaden will be affected by it. JK now wants Jin away from Tae and not because of his jealousy. JK can't believe he let himself get involve with Jimin. 'Fool's gold, I allowed my ego to fall prey to a siren's song.' JK comparison of Jimin to fool's gold and a siren's song makes him shameful that he allowed himself to be attached to Jimin at all.  JK shakes his head in regret.  


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