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Jin arrives home and notices Tae's car. He opens the door to his house and Tae is sitting on the sofa. Jin knows that Tae is angry but doesn't care. "Where have you been? Why is your phone here?"   "I've been out Tae. Am I still allowed to leave the house, or did you change that rule too? I needed some alone time, and my phone would've been a distraction." Tae had tried to open Jin's phone but was unsuccessful. "You are in a relationship Jin. You have to start thinking about the other person.  Anything could've happened to me or you."    "Well, nothing happened, right? So how was your trip with Yun?"  Tae is surprised as to how Jin is acting and wonders why he is hostile but soon accredits it to one of Jin's mood swings from his depression.

"It was okay. Yun and I did some fishing and hung out a bit."    "So, you needed two days to do that?" Tae stands up to hug Jin. Tae notices Jin's reluctance. He pulls Jin close to him. "Don't be this way okay. I'm back now." Tae tries to kiss Jin, but Jin turns his face causing Tae to kiss his ear. "You are so stubborn when you get mad. I'll be in the shower; you are welcome to join me." Tae walks off and Jin goes to his bedroom, undresses, and put on his PJ's. He is asleep when Tae gets out of the shower. Tae gets into the bed and tries to wake Jin for sex, but Jin ignores him. Jin sleeps in a manner that doesn't allow Tae intimate access to him. The first night Tae thinks it's just one of Jin's moods, but Jin is consistent in not being intimate with Tae. Soon afterward, Tae becomes inundated with actual work because of the season and rarely manages to get back to Jin's place.  Jin welcomes the time spent along.  Tae doesn't push the issue with Jin because he has access to Jimin and because of his workload.  


It's been some months and Jin is well into therapy with JK being there every week for the session. Jin has gains his weight back and has been successful in taking steps in abstinent.   Jin has taken back control over his restaurant and has put his name back onto the custody papers for Jaden. He dismissed the restraining order and the divorce filing against JK. To keep Tae in the dark about what he is doing and to live in a peaceful environment, Jin still seemingly follows Tae rules. JK doesn't come over, Jin doesn't go over to JK's house, JK doesn't call Jin, and Jin gets Jaden every other weekend with Tae thinking it's because he approved it.  Tae, of course, is still unaware that Jimin sent Jin a video, that Jin is in therapy, and that Jin didn't divorce JK. Jimin thinks the reason Jin hasn't left Tae alone is because the video somehow failed to materialize on Jin's phone. Jimin really doesn't care, he is upset as to what Jin is trying to do and would take any chance available to him in defeating Jin's attempt to leave him homeless.


Tae's workload and time spent away from Jin has now  lessen drastically.  After working an all-nighter, detecting, and repairing a main water line break at a large factory, Tae goes to his house and showers and checks on Jimin.  He leaves Jimin and goes home to Jin.   He climbs in the bed with Jin and nuzzle into Jin's neck, kissing him. Jin sighs. "Why it smells like you just showered?"   "I did. I just came from my house."   "So, you couldn't shower here like you always have done?"   Tae sits up.  "Because I smelled like fish Jin. I wanted to get out of those clothes and not stink up your house."    "So let me guess you spent all day fishing with Yun again.  You fucking Yun?"

Jin gets out of his bed and walks downstairs toward the kitchen to get some water. Tae follows. "I might as well Jin. You sure as hell not having sex with me. It's either you're too damn tired from being at the restaurants, in meetings, or whatever else you do. It's been months Jin."  "Don't try to put it on me Tae. Tae walks up to Jin and hugs him. Jin removes himself from Tae's grasp and sits at a table. "You know we argue too much. I hate that we do that. I see you trying your best to start back looking sexy for me. You picked up weight, don't drink as much, and you are starting to smile more. I like that. To see that you are doing this for me makes me want you more." Tae states in a seductive voice. "Tae, I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for me and yes, we argue a lot about unnecessary things. You talk about me working on myself, are you willing to work on yourself?"

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