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Tae arrives at Jin's house and notices JK's car. He unlocks the door and goes into Jin's bedroom and Jin isn't there.  While going to Jaden's bedroom, he checks another bedroom, and sees Jin asleep in the room.   "Jin, wake up. Where is JK?"  Tae asks Jin in anger. Jin awakens with a headache and adjusts his eyes, focusing on Tae. "Who?"  Jin asks while pressing his palm against his forehead.    "I'm talking about JK. Is he the reason you didn't answer your phone?  Did y'all have sex?"    "How could JK and I have sex when you were here and JK was at home?" Tae tones his anger down a bit when having to admit that he wasn't there. "I just came Jin. I was not here. Why would we be in this room anyway?"

Jin looks around and see the milk tea on the table and realizes that he is not in his bedroom. He jumps up, loses his balance, and falls back onto the bed. He adjusts himself, holding his head, and gets up but this time slowly.  He goes into Jaden's bedroom and sees JK and Jaden asleep. Jin goes over to JK, shakes him, and when JK awakens, Jin signals for JK to join him outside of the room. JK sleepily gets up and follows Jin. JK can tell by the look on Jin's face that Jin is in a bad mood. Tae is standing outside of the room waiting, and the three goes to a private area of the house so that Jaden can't hear their conversation.

"What the hell are you doing here? And how did you even get into my house? I thought I made it clear that you weren't to come by here unannounced?" Jin partially yelling at JK realizing that his head is still pounding. "Jin, if you weren't so damn drunk then maybe you would've heard Jaden screaming. Dizzie had to call me Jin, a dog called me. I don't abide by no damn rules when it comes to Jaden." JK is wholly awake and upset. Tae standing by Jin adds fuel to JK being upset.   "I'm sorry JK, I didn't know. I just thought." Tae cuts Jin off. "You sorry Jin? This motherfucker continues to interject himself into your life as if he still has some authority. First this therapy crap, he calls you all times of the day about Jaden, and now he just walks into your house and sleeps.   What the hell Jin, you left him remember?" JK grinds his teeth wanting to hit Tae.

"Tae, I was out of it and Jaden needed help, what would you have had JK to do?"   "Call the police, like anyone would do for a wellness check if he was that damn concern. He knew you were drunk, hell, what's new? He uses that against you to do whatever the hell he wants to do to you.  After what he's done to you, you are standing there telling him you're sorry. Aren't you tired of him taken advantage of you Jin?" Tae is angry without any remorse concerning him and Jimin. Jin looks at JK. "I know he is angry but JK, Tae is right. You doing these nice things, where was this when we were together, why now? You feel pity for me JK?"  Jin voice breaks as he tries not to let JK hear it.    

"Jin, how did you let him turn this against me."  JK is trying to keep calm.   "If I would've called the police, they would have taken Jaden from you. Come on Jin think. Your house is full of empty liquor bottles and pain medications. You were in no state to care for Jaden.  When I got here, I couldn't even wake you up. What if the police had come, was able to get into the house, and saw all of that, it could have led to us losing Jaden.  Yes, I feel pity for you Jin, because I love you. I blamed myself for how your life is spiraling out of control.  But you Jin, you must take more responsibility for your own self and your own situation too. I admit I do nice things, I do those nice things because I love you and I see how much I am at fault for our separation.  I see my fault in why you can't see things in a coherent way, you can't even see Tae is acting the same way I did. I'm trying to make it right but if Tae is so damn right, why the hell is he watching you decline and keeping you in that state. He talks shit about Jaden, he caused you to have two strikes at Jaden's school, he is more concern if you are cheating with me, who regardless of the situation, is still your husband. Tell me Jin, how many times has he asked you about Jaden therapy without mentioning me? How many times has he picked up the phone and called to check on you and Jaden? How many times has Tae at least tried to calm Jaden when he has his screaming episode? Tae helps and watches you drink your life away and his only solution to your depression is fucking you. That's sounds more like someone who is using your depression against you to do whatever he wants." Jin spaces out somewhat and Tae is anxiously listening to JK.  Tae moves away a little, he isn't going to fight JK physically, but is determined not to let JK get into Jin's head.

"It's a reason you are divorcing him Jin. Let his ass go. Because if he cared that much about you, Jimin wouldn't have been a factor in your marriage." Tae knows that using Jimin's name stabs Jin in his heart and clouds his rationality. Tae continues looking at JK with loathing. "You want Jin back so bad that you try to make me out as the bad guy. It's you JK. Jin drinks because of you, he fucked me because of you, this house is depressing because of you. If making love to Jin is what makes him happy then who the hell are you to question anything. I don't care that much for the kid, so what. I didn't sign the paper to look after him. So, what is it JK?  Is it not being able to fuck Jin that got you so moody?"

JK looks at Tae and then looks at Jin while talking through clenched teeth. "You see Jin in all that bullshit that came from his mouth, he never once said he loved you. Do that not even sting a little. Jin hears JK but is not absorbing what JK is saying, because of Tae bringing the dagger of Jimin into the situation and it is slicing his heart once more. Jin wants to crawl into a fetus position but trying to not let either JK or Tae know that he has succumbed to what had been said. "JK please just go. Thank you for coming. I really appreciate it."

JK looks at Jin and notices the toll the conversation has taken on him and decides to get Jaden and leave. "It's Saturday Jin. I'm taking Jaden out today. I'll go get him and we'll leave."   " No JK, Tae and I wanted to take him and Aya out today also. So tomorrow you can take him out." JK starts walking out of the room. "Let him take him Jin. I have other plans today." Jin looks at Tae as JK goes to Jaden's room. "You have other plans? When? We just said this yesterday and we cleared our schedule. When did this plan come up?" Jin asks Tae. "It came up last night." Tae tries to calm Jin by kissing him. "Don't be this way. I'm not JK. I will see you tonight. I have to go, it's important."  Tae kisses Jin again.  Tae had promised Jimin that he would come back once he gets things settled with Jin. Tae and Jimin plans to chill out and Barbeque by Jimin's pool.  Jin sinks into the mire of their conversation while Tae heads to the bedroom.

JK is carrying a sleepy Jaden as Dizzie follows but stops and whimpers, knowing that he is not going with Jaden. "Jaden, give Uncle Jin a kiss and a hug." Jaden hugs Jin and kisses his cheeks. JK smiles sorrowfully at Jin and walks out the door with Jaden. Jin prepares Dizzie something to eat and fills his water bowl. While Jin is in the kitchen area, Tae comes into the area and kisses Jin allowing the kiss to linger. "Jin, I am not like JK, I will come back to you." Jin smiles half-way and Tae leaves. Other than having made plans, Tae also has a need to distance himself from the situations. Tae believes he has put Jin back to where he needs Jin to be, distrusting and feeling betrayed by JK.

Jin goes and soak in the tub and thinks of the back and forth between JK and Tae. He thinks about what JK said about Tae.  Jin knows he depends on Tae but he is not in love with Tae.  Tae is his safe haven.  He dresses and heads out to treat himself to lunch.  He goes shopping, goes to the movie, goes to the museum, and goes to dinner at a wine and cheese restaurant. He makes it back home, undresses, goes to his bedroom, pours himself a glass of wine, and watches TV with Dizzie. Jin has drank a large quantity of wine and has become drunk. He staggers toward the TV and turns it off and turns on the radio to rock music. Jin closes his eyes while dancing. Dizzie watching the display and runs to Jaden's bedroom. Jin is enjoying himself and doesn't see Tae standing in the doorway. Tae laughs at Jin, joins him, and takes the wine glass from Jin and takes a sip. With the removal of the glass from his hand, Jin opens his eyes and is surprised by Tae. Jin turns the radio off and falls onto the bed while panting.

"What is the special occasion?"  Tae asks Jin.  "There is no special occasion Tae. Just enjoying m-my "m-me time." Jin says slightly fumbling his words. "Do I need to leave?" Tae asks as he raises his eyebrow.  Jin shakes his head softly indicating a no. Tae undresses and showers. He comes back to the bed and lies down besides Jin. Jin begins making sexual advances toward Tae, and Tae tries to dissuade Jin.  Jin doesn't sense the dissuasion because Jin is drunk. Tae is trying to avoid having sex with Jin, after just having sex with Jimin.  Tae is not in the mood. Tae just pulls Jin into a hug as his soft but big cock rest between Jin ass cheeks. Tae falls asleep and Jin becomes upset, but being too drunk, Jin soon falls asleep also.


The updates are not being done in the time frame that I desire.  My circumstances has warranted a different outcome.  Thanks for your patience, your continued support.  

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