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Jaden wakes up and goes downstairs to the kitchen where JK is taking out items for dinner. "Where is Uncle Jin?" JK picks up Jaden and puts him on the countertop. "He is sleeping right now. Are you hungry?" "Yes!" "Well, I took out all of the ingredients for us to make our very own pizza." "Yaay! Uncle JK, can we make Dizzie a doggy pizza too?" "Hmm. I never tried that but sure. Let's make Dizzie a doggy pizza." "I'll go ask Dizzie what she wants on her pizza and you go wake up Uncle Jin to make pizza with us. Okay?" Jaden asks JK. JK takes Jaden off of the countertop and Jaden sprints out of the kitchen.

JK goes to the guest room to check on Jin. He isn't sure how to approach him. He walks in the room and Jin is still crying. "Jin." JK softly says. "What JK?" Jin answers sounding annoyed. "Jaden wants you to make pizza with us." "I can't JK. I can't be in there with you." "What do you want me to tell him Jin?" "Jin looks at JK with his red and puffy eyes and face. "I don't know JK, I'm sure you can think of something. You're good at lying. When I said I will not pretend with you JK, I wasn't lying." JK walks out of the guest room because he hears Jaden. He meets Jaden in the kitchen.

"Did you ask Dizzie?" "She said she doesn't care. So, let's put everything on it." "Okay, let's start on the doggy Pizza first." "No, let's wait on Uncle Jin." "Uncle Jin isn't feeling well." "Is he sick?" "Yes Jaden. So, he decided to rest for today." "I made Uncle Jin sick." "No Jaden, you didn't." "It's true. I did, I made Uncle Jin sick. I'm sorry I made Uncle Jin sick. Ahhhhhh!" Jaden begins screaming! JK holds him. "No Jaden you didn't make him sick. It's natural to be sick. Okay?"

Jin hears Jaden screaming but he is too weak himself to comfort Jaden. He is wanting to scream also. JK has developed a way of comforting Jaden and soon he is quiet. Moments later, Jin hears Jaden laughing and talking loudly. JK and Jaden start making pizza. JK smiles when he sees Jaden enjoying himself. He just wishes that Jin can see it too. After they finish making and eating their pizza, Jaden is still worrying about Jin. "Uncle JK, can we take Uncle Jin his pizza." "Yes Jaden. How about you and Dizzie take him his pizza. I think he would love to see you two." "You come too Uncle JK, okay?" JK hesitates. "Okay, here you hold the pizza and me and Dizzie will follow you Jaden." "Okay. Dizzie let's go."

Jaden opens the guest room door. "Uncle Jin, we brought you a pizza." Jin sits up and smiles at Jaden. "You look real sick uncle Jin. Your face is red and big, this pizza is going to help you get well." "You made a pizza for me Jaden?" "Yes, me and uncle JK. He told me everything you like so I decorated it myself." Jin takes a small bite. "Thanks. Wow is so pretty and delicious." "Well, we have to go and take a bath for bed. Can I get a hug before I go? I don't care about getting sick." Jaden asks Jin. Jin laughs and hugs Jaden and Dizzie. "Come on uncle JK. Please hug with us." JK walks over and wraps his arms around them and quickly removes his arms because of the look on Jin's face.

"Okay bye Uncle Jin. Please feel better. Come on Dizzie we have to go take a bath." JK gives Jaden and Dizzie a bath and dresses Jaden for bed. He is about to walk out when Jaden calls his name. "Uncle JK, take care of Uncle Jin. He is really sick and remember your promise." "Okay Jaden, I will. Sleep tight buddy." "Goodnight uncle JK." JK leaves Jaden's room door ajar and walks to his room and showers. Afterwards, he crawls in bed with the thought of the day and everything crashing down. Then he falls asleep with the thought of keeping his family together.

The next morning, JK is awakened by his phone. He looks at the time and it is 9:15 am. He answers the phone without looking at it. "Hello." "Good morning Mr. Jeon. We have the early morning arrivals checked off and Jaden name isn't marked. School starts soon. Will Jaden be joining us today?" JK jumps up. "Yes. Yes, he will." "Okay, we just wanted to check in." JK makes breakfast and goes to check on Jin. "Jin, its Jaden's first day of school. This is an important milestone for him. You should be a part of this." "So was bringing him home from the adoption agency, were you a part of that? Just leave JK." Jin's mind wonders back to the time Jimin joined them for breakfast and JK took Jaden to his school orientation. He thinks of JK and Jimin sitting there, making a fool of him.

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