Chapter 4- Running Around

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Sorry guys that it's been so long! But I hope you enjoy!

Yuta POV

I wake with a start, having felt someone shake me awake. "Yuta." I rub my eyes and look around. Yoruichi is sitting on my desk in her cat form. "What's going on?" Looking outside, I notice it's nighttime. "Ichigo got badly hurt fighting Renji. You need to go and help heal him." She instructs me and I nod. "Whatever you need Yoruichi. Why is this kid so important anyway?" I stand and stretch. Haru.

Yes, M'lady? "He's gonna be important for a lot of things ahead. Kisuke thinks so as well." Yoruichi informs me. Interesting. Can you teleport me to Ichigo?

Of course. He's in the tunnels again right? I hum in response. "See you later Yoruichi." I wave to her as petals surround me. She nods and jumps out the window. Suddenly I'm in front of 3 people. One of which is Ichigo, passed out on the ground. "Woah! Who are you?! What are you doing here?!"

Some guy in a weird outfit yells out and gets into a defensive stance. My eyes slightly widen when I notice who it is. My petals float in the air as I look around. Such a bad place to heal someone but whatever. Hanataro looks up from healing Ichigo and he goes pale. "Ganju... Th-that's a-ah.. Yu-Yuta Yamamoto, C-Captain of squad 9." He stutters out. Ganju's eyes widen, obviously realizing who I am. "Yuta..." he whispers.

My head turns to them. "Yes I am Yuta but I'm no threat to you. I heard that Ichigo was injured so I came to help heal him."

Ganju looks up at me, surprised. "Why are you here Yuta? Why are you helping?" He questions and I roll my eyes. "Don't question when someone offers to help Ganju." I lean my sword against the wall and roll up my sleeves. "Alright, what do you need from me Hanataro?"

A couple hours later

I sigh as I sit up against the wall, almost drained. Hanataro finishes by tightening his bandages and Ichigo murmurs and opens his eyes. "Oh, it's good to see your finally awake Ichigo. It's been awhile." Hanataro says to him. "Hanataro, where am I?" Ichigo asks.

"We're underground. And we're safe. Captain Yuta here actually helped me heal your wounds. So try not to move too much or you'll open them back up." Hanataro says. "Wounds? Oh yeah, I fought Renji. Wait, Yuta?" He sits up suddenly, looking around. and I give him a small smile. "Hello Ichigo. You shouldn't be sitting up right now." I crawl over to him.

"Thanks you guys but I'll be fine now." He says while wincing. I roll my eyes at his stubbornness. "Are you crazy Ichigo? Your wounds haven't fully healed!" "I gotta get going. Chad and the others don't know where Rukia is being held. I gotta go and..." he attempts to stand up but I push him back down and sit on him.

He grunts and I glare down at him. "Don't make me knock you out Ichigo. You need to heal if you plan on saving Rukia or even getting to your friends. You can barely stand let alone fight. Think things through before you just go charging ahead." I scold him. His eyes go wide then looks down at where I'm sitting on him then back at my face.

His face goes completely red. "Are you crazy?! Why are you sitting on me?!" He yells out. I roll my eyes. "If you won't stop then I'll use force. This is no big deal. Stop being a baby. If I find out you tried to get out of here before being healed then I'm going to beat you. I'll know if you do." I quickly look over at Hanataro.

I grab a petal that is flowing in the air and hand it to him. "If you, Ganju or Ichigo need me for anything, just explain what's happening to Haru, which is this petal, and I'll be right over." I explain to him. "Yes ma'am! Thank you for your help Captain Yuta!" He bows to me.

I wave a dismissive hand. "It's no bother. I can't have Ichigo dying on me. It seems he's very important to some people. So I would like to find out why." I turn my head to Ichigo who is still blushing madly. "You take care Ichigo. Don't be doing anything rash okay?" I flick his forehead and he grunts, rubbing the spot, glaring at me. "You have friends around you, including me, so don't be trying to do everything by yourself." I stand up and my petals surround me. Take me to Renji. "See you around knucklehead." I give him a smirk and I appear in a cell.

Um, Haru? He grunts and I look around. I gasp, seeing Renji laying down on a bench/bed, hands in cuffs. "Renji! What are you doing here?!" I exclaim and kneel down next to him. He opens his eyes slowly and turns his head to me. "Captain Yuta? What are you doing here?" He asks, confused.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. You're my friend Renji." He chuckles and turns back his head to the ceiling. "I lost to him." I sigh and stand back up. I see a hell butterfly fly in the window and land on my shoulder. Captains meeting.

I look back at Renji and roll my eyes. Bring me to the Captains meeting. Petals begin to surround me. "Renji, you lost a long time ago. The moment you chose to bring back Rukia was the moment you lost." His eyes go wide and his head snaps to me. "Take a step back and maybe you'll see where you went wrong." Suddenly I'm in the Captains meeting. Not a lot of people are there yet.

Byakuya, Toshiro, Gin and Kenpachi are already there. I smile as I see Byakuya isn't looking my way and I run and jump on his back. "Hey Byakuya! How's it going?" I tilt my head to look at his face.

His eyes are closed and he barely moved an inch when I jumped on him. "Captain Yamamoto, your a Captain. You should present yourself as such." He says in is stoic yet intimidating tone of voice. I scoff.

"It's just other Captains around. Besides, if you don't let loose and have fun once in awhile then I'll become you. And your no fun." His eyes open slightly and his eyes look at me. His voice is barely above a whisper. "Who says I'm no fun Captain Yuta?"

I smirk at him calling me Captain Yuta. "A lot of people, but I'm not one. I know you have a fun side, so I'll keep on trying to bring that out. No matter what I gotta do, I'll see that gorgeous smile of yours." I whisper back and his eyes widen slightly as I jump off his back and look around.

My eyes land on Gin. Snake. I turn my head as I hear footsteps and I grow a smile as I see Shunsui walking up. "Hey Shunsui!" I run up and hug him. He laughs loudly at me, wrapping his arms around me. "Hey kid. How you doing?" I let go of him and smile. "Good, I fell asleep earlier so I'm in a better mood." He nods as more Captains file in.

Once all the Captains were here, we line up and Head Captain comes out to address us.

Almost an hour later I walk out of the Captains meeting, into the night air. I sigh as I close my eyes, wanting to have a moment of peace. Making this a war? What is Grandpa thinking? I sigh again. "That's the third sigh within the last minute. What is wrong Captain Yuta?" I hear a voice behind me.

I slowly open my eyes and prop my arm up on my zanpakuto on my lower back. "You shouldn't sneak up on people Gin. It's a good way to get yourself killed." He fake gasps. "Are you threatening me Captain?" I roll my eyes and turn slightly to look at him.

"All I'm saying is, don't creep up on me again. Or you'll regret it." I begin to walk away and I notice Byakuya out of the corner of my eye, watching the whole interaction.

The next morning, I wake up and groan. Why do I gotta be up so early? I get ready and put on my Captains robe. M'lady, I took it upon myself to do a morning search. And I have found Captain Aizen dead.

My eyes widen in shock. No way. It has to be a trick. He can't be dead. I quickly grab my zanpakuto and rush out of my room and up onto the roofs. Where is he Haru? There is a slight pause. Near the lieutenants meeting. But Momo and Izuru are fighting right near the body.

I groan. Teleport me there. Hurry. Petals quickly envelope me and I'm quickly teleported there. I see Izuru and Momo about to clash with their released zanpakuto forms. I sense Toshiro quickly approaching. I flash step and block Izuru while Toshiro steps on Momo's sword.

I hear Izuru gasp and Momo does as well. "C-Captain Yamamoto... I can explain." Izuru begins to say. "Lieutenants, arrest Lieutenant Izuru and Lieutenant Momo. You two shouldn't be taking arms amongst each other at a time like this." I order out, putting my sword away.

Toshiro looks at Momo. "You're first priority should have been to take your Captain down from there. I will report this to the Head Captain. Get these two out of my sight. Lock them both up." He demands and Rangiku and Iba take Momo while my lieutenant takes Izuru.

"Report back to me when you are done Shuhei." I order him and he nods, walking away. I nod to Toshiro and he nods back. "I'll let you deal with this mess." He scoffs and I smirk, letting my petals surround me. I turn to glare at Gin and I'm suddenly in my office. I sigh and plop down at my desk.

Alright guys! Hope you enjoyed!

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